Lady Evony - Vol. 2 Ch. 48

Jan 14, 2020
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
@angellordemon no need to worry about that, season 1 will end after the trial but the second season is already started a long time ago.
Mar 24, 2020
Thank you for the chapter! Mann things are ramping up, im so excited!
Active member
Feb 27, 2019
what were they expecting, everything to run smoothly? it a shitty society. even if a good testimony come, they might actually still judge her negatively and ignore all the evidence.
that is how they work. will a jury formed by sexist man in this context actually give her freedom back?
i actually don't feel that excited by this event. it feels pointless because there was no change into the government structure so far (it is only an exception because of the one behind it).
it feels like the only way to succeed is by the ML going around to every jury and pressure them (like do 'this' or die).
rationale doesn't matter if preserving it is not a must. if a society is corrupt, so is the justice system. there is no way to run, and no where to hold.
the only way for them to actually vote in her favor would be if they had some kind of record of the whole event (with some indisputable magic). something so sure that going against it cause their cultural structure more damage than going back on their words (and giving this woman a fair trial). the only way for them to give ML the spark of revolution, is to the other option to be an even more scary spark of revolution. i really don't get this development. although, i am curious tho about who the fuck are those and what more is going on.
Dec 21, 2019
Thank you so much for your hard work translators! We really appreciate it!!!
Sep 7, 2019
OMG?????? OMG!!!!!! OMG?????
Apr 16, 2019
Thank you for the chapter! I'm so glad they're coming so fast because these cliff hangersss!
Feb 4, 2019
Guys, you are so marvelous! <3 Thank you so, so much for these chapters!!! <3
Aug 29, 2020
Oh my god, thank you guys for the updates! You're wonderful! <3 I wish I could help you, but I'm useless 😯


Feb 9, 2018
@moonlight00 Your comment got me thinking, but I'm of the opposite mind. A few notes myself on why I'm so excited that a trial before the court of law in a shitty place is happening despite it seeming like there's no overt progress in society as a whole: it may not seem like much but it sets precedence. And that, of all things, is hugely important.

Let's assume a few things here in Kalcass and in this trial: one, that the judge seems to be at least somewhat impartial. He respects moreso than people the law and considers the courtroom sacred. This is a really, really good sign; it shows that the judge it giving this trial the due diligence that is required, that he is actually acting as a judge should. That will also mean that the verdict coming form him will be that much more meaningful. Exciting. Two, the jury is seemingly swayed by Sedell, as not only are he and his lawyer "like them", but he is also assuaging their deeply ingrained beliefs of a sexist society. Even if Juro's logic is sound, it is not enough. They came here biased that Ebony committed murder and will need to be convinced otherwise, a hard thing to do to say the least. If they manage this, then even those not on the jury but people in general in society (whom are still very much represented by the jury, i.e. the everyman of Kalcass) will presumably not be able to argue that the jury (aka themselves) was wrong. The jury is composed of people like them; if you convince the jury, you convince (a notable portion) of the men (and women) in Kalcass. And three, we can presume that this case is like no other before it. If we think of the women who have been shown to us in this story, even if they were wealthy, they were not powerful; and even if they were powerful, they could not do much without the aid of a man or men. Therefore, who would want to take their side against a man? It stands to say then that a woman facing criminal charges (especially ones of this very serious nature) having an excellent lawyer like Juro is unprecedented. After all, who would want to represent women in this country, even if they could afford to pay? A supposed murderer no less, and one who is faced with the charges of committing that murder upon a powerful man from a powerful family like the Sedell's. This gives women a chance to feel assured that even they, before the law, have the chance to be tried justly, with a proper attorney and a rightful judge. This is important in ensuring that more women speak up and more (good) lawyers take on their cases.

So, even if this seems like a small event, a singular event in a country full of horrid events every day, it is perhaps like Ebony's previous trial (but even more than that) a trial of the century. Reporters are extremely eager to cover this because they know just how important it is to the current foundation upon which this country sits. If a woman, an unmarried young woman no less, can not only overturn a criminal charge of which she's already been accused and condemned for, but can also indisputably be found "Not Guilty", she puts forth in motion the question of whether other women have also been wrongfully convicted. She makes the men (and women) of Kalcass slowly, definitely reluctantly, question whether or not women could (and should) be just that bit more equal in deserving proper representation and rights. She sets precedence for women successfully being defended, which opens up the chance for perhaps more lawyers to be willing to defend women in this country and more women to be willing to stand firm on their belief in their innocence. This trial, if successful, will show that an "abnormal" woman can win against a powerful, wealthy, and "normal" man of Kalcass. And that is everything; that is history in the making for this country, just like how famous trials, precedence, and law have meant great social upheavals and permanent changes for so many countries in our very real world.

(Last edit: Not sure if Kalcass has common law (aka Canada, UK's, and USA's system) or civil law (continental Europe/South America) or a mixed one, so obviously precedence as used in the framework of law and decision-making is something different here. But social precedence will definitely be had one way or another, and if Kalcass does indeed have common law, then yay for precedence in law as well! In any case, this kind of case is really more akin to something like the Dreyfus affair than a normal trial in terms of its potential sociopolitical ramifications; it's that important to this country.)
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2019
Indeed. Trial by jury of your peers is just that. Your peers. They will more or less have the same philosophy, point of view, or ethics as you. This is especially so for an ethnically homogenous society like Kalcass. You are more likely to side with people who are more like you, than you are to the most logical statement or clear facts. This is especially so in a case with no external witness as direct evidence (legalese wise, Direct evidence is only witness testimony,( video/audio/picture are considered direct evidence but well, this world doesn't have any), which makes having an external witness all the more important.

Just circumstantial evidence just isn't good enough for winning over an already incredibly biased jury full of, well, basically your enemies.
Active member
Feb 27, 2019
@kie very well put. i think this is what will happen too. she will be used as a hero flare, giving a good face to ML purge. by 'using' the abuse they can build a very good interlude for the change of that era.
give that ML never hid his intentions, that is quite clear, even if love sprout beneath his first interest.
ML faction will likely put MC in a pedestal and she shall become a martyr that is still alive. she will not only be the face of the new changes, but also be given the leadership of such change that are related to women, even if ML is behind all those changes.
however, that is actually not what bothers me. her story doesn't need to be perfect and sweet, it should be the opposite (it fits). there can be love without it being naive. there can be change and it not being the society being enlightened. i quite like that tbf.
the weirdest thing here is what is shown by the blond guy being so "afraid"....
and not only that guy tho, but the whole atmosphere set by the author is of justice needing to prevail. what is kind of bs given the context. they don't care! and for all we know the judge can also be an asshole, we don't know, and that wouldn't surprise me either -_- . so how can they be so nervous with this event? how can this be painted as a picture of the truth being eventually reveled? like the judgement of the whole corrupt/sexist system matter so much... so if the prejudice wins and they disagree despite all the evidence will MC deserve to die?
if things keep going like they are and she eventually get to be 'not guilty', and the whole jury accept the truth like there was never some prejudice, and if the people simple accept the change like there is no issue... that is weird. very unsettling and anti-dramatic. but the opposite is even worst give the value they put in the whole thing.
the fact is the justice there sucks and that is it.
what i actually want is what you said, but truly that. ML faceslap them with his big dick until MC gets the 'not guilty'. let the jury and even judge be mad about it, but they can't avoid it because the slap was so strong. with this precedent he can then move onto making her a 'hero', a leading figure to one of the part of his planned revolution. also, the people don't need to accept the result, they only need the precedent and whatever happens later, the people will eventually accept the bigger fist. with time, the seed planted should germinate into a new more open minded era.
so given the whole context, they shouldn't be so worried tho. they should be calm and somewhat calculative, and even excited like you are. but not worried or vexed. since this never has been about proving her innocence, because they all already believe so. this whole thing is more about getting an 'official' precedent for her core position. this helping them much, but not being essential, the bigger fist always win anyway, but not using it is preferable. and this should be the kind of view they held, considering the word "purge" being used before to explain ML aim in this whole thing. (from what I seen so far, ML and his people will only play nice while they can, if it comes to it, I am sure they will bath in the blood of their enemies).
i hope my confusion becomes clear with this. when i mentioned not understanding the development, it was more about the whole atmosphere set and the emotional roller-coaster than the trial itself.
tbf it doesn't help since her love flourishing is happening right now, so that probably helps making the tone a bit off. for that in particular i think, she showing her ability to think about love after getting the non guilty thing would have been much better, almost like a metaphor about the injustice holding her back, alas the author chose otherwise.
from what i have seen so far tho, the next few twists will probably make everything satisfactory and change the atmosphere a bit... for now tho it does feel a bit off.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I'm so excited, I'd seen the raws ages ago but been so curious about what ends up being said in the next chapter.
Oct 7, 2019
I’m honestly so so thankful for the consistent updates during this whole trial debacle. Thanks guys for all your hard work 💖💖💖

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