Lady Evony - Vol. 2 Ch. 49

Double-page supporter
Jun 12, 2018
That sleight of hand was brilliant. It's one thing to believe that the righteous innocence of Ebony would shine through and convince an otherwise unsympathetic jury of her justice, it's another entirely to make this a matter of national honor, the grievances of war heroes and their victimized families, and the pointed judgment of international peers -- and for what, to avenge a Trump Sedell?
May 23, 2019
What.. how come my eyes are wet? Heck this is a very powerful chapter capable of bringing tears to my eyes and chills all over my body. Perfect 😭
Jul 14, 2020
Give this manhwa a 10 already. Every chapter is so beautifully done and the ones who are made to be impactful are especially poignant and captivating.
Jun 5, 2019
Yes!!!! So proud of everyone! Thank god! 😭

Gave me chills and made me cry. Wonderful work. 👏🏻

Thank you for translating this new chapter.


Feb 9, 2018
I'm so proud of her, I'm so proud of them, and man did they make the smartest decision in bringing in the people that are usually forgotten: the underclass, the servant who are all the invisible force behind the nobility. To make this a matter of national (dis)honour, to use their rhetoric against them, to have Ebony pose that question - beautiful. Iss this trial unrealistic? Yes. But it does what it is supposed to do as a mechanism of the story, and it does it so wondrously while redeeming Ebony in the eyes of the public and perhaps even us as readers who may have also been uncertain in our belief of her innocence at the beginning. Her suffering, her desire to live, and her trauma rendered so deep into her that she at some point wanted to die while believing she was guilty, all for it to finally come to the point where she does believe in herself again; they're all such human elements and such strength of character. I'm incoherent at this point, I just love this arc and chapters to bits.
Jul 5, 2018
This story has really gotten to me in so many ways. When someone does something to you and people won't believe you. When your parents know the truth but expect you to keep silent so they don't look bad.
The moment someone else speaks up for you even if it's years later...I can't put it into words. Being able to confront the person who hurt you even if they don't go to jail can be very healing.
The brother of her ex fiance has done so much wrong to her.
Active member
Jul 17, 2020
They better open an investigation about her father's death so that stupid POS can be arrested as well.... he's there enjoying a life of money after making her life a living hell for years and still have the audacity to say they are defamatory against him. Very few characters make my blood boil like this guy and the worst part is knowing that he would get away with it, like several other men before him probably did, if she didn't have powerful allies.
Oct 6, 2019
There's heavy weight whenever I read this, Ebony suffered so much but no one was there to listen and I was so scared that she will go back to prison with all the internal corruption even with this retrial... 😭 But It's such a big relief I could actually cry for Ebony, even till the end she didn't shed tears, but she asked a question with much confidence it's so beautiful to see her development

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