Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

Aggregator gang
Sep 28, 2018
Did he just declare that he'll be chasing after her for love?
Apr 8, 2019
why u care about your brother so much, when i was 12 i just avoid my brother just so i dont be nuisance to my brother. we never talk so much since then. im okay with it too
Jun 7, 2019
@Mojo I don't think it's really hypocritical as that's already explained. She avoided her younger brother in this new life because she was afraid of triggering his yandere traps and wanted to avoid that at all costs.
Jan 18, 2018

As a point of technicality, it's not really hypocritical of her to "want" a warm sibling relationship in this life if she—as depicted here—also specifically goes out of her way to try to avoid it even as she wants it.

(Likewise, it wouldn't seem to be selfishness, if she's been intentionally keeping a certain emotional distance from everyone. The narrative that's unfolding here seems to be that she's genuinely traumatized and in some unspecified way doesn't trust herself getting close to anyone, even if she kind of trusts the person themselves.)
Apr 27, 2018
Thanks for the update, I stopped watching this 6 months ago, but now you are going forward super fast.
Great job!
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
@yardmonkey I've read plenty of webnovels and manga with villainess reincarnationers that strike down death flags left and right by being decent human beings to their friends and family. It's hard to be yandere when your raised to be healthy mentally by a loving and supportive older sibling. So sticking your head in the sand and ignoring a cute shota in distress is selfish.


Um, I don't think yours argument against "selfish" and "Hypocritical" has done anything but make her seem more so...
Also past trauma is no excuse, that's why murders that were abused as children still go to jail. People overcome abusive parents to become loving parents when they grow up all the time. And after two lives she is mentally an adult by now.

P.S. Can a get some shota must be protected! support out there? it's not only distressed loli that need some love.
Jan 18, 2018

If you're going to go so far as to invoke the Princess Bride, I feel I must defend my honour.

Definitions used:

- Favoring oneself at the expense of others. This she does not do, at least as I see it, in the context we're talking about—isolating yourself from everyone around you isn't selfish. It's unwise and perhaps even hurtful, but to oneself just as much as to others.

- By dictionary definition, publicly declaring things that will make others think well of you, while betraying those declarations with your actions. This, she does not: She does, indeed, think to herself that there's something that she'd like (reliable human warmth)—but feels for some reason she shouldn't have and tries to avoid, as if it were bad for her—that she also has denied to others, but that's not hypocrisy, in fact it's quite consistent.
- Informally and more broadly, applying different standards for yourself vs for others, or, similarly, applying different standards when it suits you. This, she does not do either.

So, I do think they mean what I think they mean.

...Anyway, this isn't really worth arguing over, just keep the Princess Bride out of this and I'll be quiet Xp
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
@Pokari "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."

Thanks for the civil and well thought out rebuttal. As a form respect for that I did not bring up Princess Bride any more. 😄
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Confused about what's so bad about the brother from the previous life. Because of the unclear explanation, whenever MC references that brother, I don't know if she was blowing things out of proportion, or if her motivations are valid.
Aug 20, 2019
I kinda feel bad for her older brother. I mean, he saw his younger sister die in front of him without knowing that she hated him for something that he didn't do directly.
Active member
Dec 6, 2018
I just went through all of this and I want to say @KMoore there may have actually been something that he did do to cause her feelings. Recall that when she went to highschool he went to her school, he then also went to her house where she lives alone and if we assume that the images are canon (rather than just the artists assumptions of what's going on) the guy not only had a key which she certainly didn't give him, and after the lines "He came to my house where I lived alone" is followed by "There, nobody was watching." with an image of something being broken. Combine his flat out stalker tendencies with how she had to go to extreme lengths to try to escape him and flew into a panic at the sight of him, I'm inclined to believe that the brother isn't innocent. Though this is of course based on the assumption that the images in chapter 9 at the bottom of page 11 are true to the source material and not just the artist taking creative liberties.
May 16, 2019
@shanoc5902 I won't deny there is a possibility that the brother did something horrible, assuming the artist capture the image as the author wants. However, I still have a little doubt. If, a big if but...if the brother is actually a good person. It could be that in chapter 9 page 11:

1. he visited her school.
She is a high school student. So she is a kid around 14-16 yo, living in a dorm/alone. I think it is normal that the parents or older siblings check up on her. See if she is living a hard life, like insufficient money, low-quality food or bad facilities and all that. Or simply looking if she is adjusting well to living alone. Not to mention the reason she wants to live outside her parent's house is to not be a hindrance to her older brother. Imagine the older brother knowing that. Wouldn't he feel sorry or worried?
Also, even if she is cheerful on the outside. At home, she seems quiet. Maybe the brother wants to see if the quiet sister is being bullied. To him, it could be the real reason she chooses that school.

2. he came to her house with a key she didn't give him
Looking at the hair length and the face when she is in high school, page 11, and university, page 12. It seems that it is still at the time when she lives alone and still in high school.
We don't know her house neighborhood condition, we don't know if she regularly keeps contact with her parents. With this assumption, it might be that the brother came, either by his own initiative or by the parent's order. He can talk to the security/whoever holds the spare keys that her highschool sister lives alone and he wants to check up on her. As proof, he can show his ID, family registration form and family photo. I think this is how he got in with a key.

3. broken glass and "Nobody was watching"
There is a possibility she reacts badly to her brother intruding her into her house. They have a fight. Maybe the brother is at fault here, venting his emotion and getting angry on how her actions on wanting to live alone and maybe beginning to stopping all contact to her family is making the family worried or seen badly in public or to him her actions of avoiding him like a plague just don't make sense at all. Afterall on page 12, she said she purposefully made her self hidden and hard to track. So yes, "nobody watched" the usually kind brother loses his cool and explodes. It scared her even more.

It could be that the brother is a really twisted sick guy. However, until that is confirmed, I am more inclined on she was not able to see her brother real nature, jump to conclusions and too blinded by prejudice or constant low self-esteem caused by toxic environments growing up.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Fii: Shit I'm bin danger of being straight, I need to recharge my Yuri meter
Dex-chan lover
Dec 8, 2018
The fucking guards were there the whole time
Man if you want pure undiluted otome just get reincarnated as a rank and file guard, you get front row seats
Mar 30, 2019
The guards know what's up 😉
Go Nika!
Fii hang in there!
Maybe she misunderstood the brother?
Nov 26, 2019
Fate can't be changed. Because fate is something which already happened. You were born, that's fate.
Destiny though, is something that you can change. It comes from the same root as the word destination. You can change where you are going, but can't change where you came from.
Group Leader
Jan 30, 2018
Even if the heroine had different thoughts, the perceptiful guards knew that it was Prince x Villainess

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