@Onsokumaru Not only that, but the monologue was ridiculously one-dimensional.
"We're going to broaden our anti-American network... continue to make the masses panic... and focus all the world's blame on America!" ... who would even say that?
It's like a Dick Cheney took over and wrote the manga for 8 pages.
Gonna try and muscle past to get to tiger tits.
@karanga Who said that doesn’t bother me, I find it as much of disrespectful as this. Saying that I think the Nazis is over used and there are a lot of people that speaks up as those who don’t, doesn’t mean nobody bats an eye. Because in both of these senarios a lot of people died and when you use them in a comic with little research you are spiting on all the innocent life’s that were lost.
Innocent lives are lost every minute of every day. Is it disrespectful to depict a death in an auto accident when hundreds of thousands of people die every year in auto accidents?