Lamia Orphe Is Dead

Dex-chan lover
Jul 5, 2018
Fuck shit cunt this manhwa need more chapter to see if the plot even gone past the bitching mouth of the female lead, gonna rate this bad, but ig the art is the only saving grace of this ungrateful thingy
Jan 18, 2018
Epilog- Wait what?! It's gonna end like this!?
... I hoped for this read to be worthwhile, but the FMC... I've ended up hating her. I know she's off the loop, but still..!

Oh, okay, there's a season 2. Thank lord...
Nov 24, 2019
seen a lot of criticism for this comic, but I thought the first season was really well balanced and I liked the epilogue chapters and how they set up the second season!! I guess ppl who are disappointed aren't used to slow-burn or don't like it or are here for romance and less plot! Characters are complex and flawed, which in my opinion makes them MORE likeable, not less. I'm really excited for next season!!
Jul 3, 2020
The thing that makes flawed characters likeable is how relatable they are. However, literally none of the characters here are relatable, except maybe Uri, and that's pushing it. Aquila is a former dick who is now about as pitiful as Uri, Lamia is a current dick who seems to have no real qualms killing a maid who just wants to be a good mom (seriously...not even considering any alternative solutions and moves straight to "yeah killing her seems like a great idea"), and Duke Orphe, who was a dick and is still a dick. This manhua honestly has no real likeable characters. Maybe S2 will be able to actually do something more, but honestly, S1 was a straight up belly flop.
Dec 16, 2019
Yikes pretty terrible for a series that already has 40 chapters. I didn’t like any of the characters, the only one person I really felt bad for was Aquila...and Lamia is such a bitch. Usually I don’t really hate protagonists but she’s such an annoying asshole. I did not like her at all. Same goes to Uri, he didn’t have much to like. Seems like he’s hiding something...anyways gonna drop this series. Don’t waste your time, this series is a no go. 🙅🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Jul 25, 2020
i dunno what to say about this series tbh: the pace is slow, it feels poorly planned, and the characters often come off as bellends, but at the same time it isnt unreadable and aquilla is always good. Overall its a solid 6-7/10
May 14, 2019
40 episodes and i feel like jack shit has happened lmao;; i sincerely have very little understanding of the story or characters, even the explanations of the past don't help me to understand what's going on in the present. When will Lamia die? Was it in the past or the future or what? Seriously confused.
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
Hope season 2 comes soon

Seems season 1 focus on the morphine family conflicts which seems to be resolved in the end of the season. Season 2 will likely focus her conflict with the prince and still someone targeting her life.

It seems who ever is trying to kill her is strong nobles since the king, prince and maiden seriously die.

I'm thinking maybe this archmsge might be the threat or someone equal to him since in the season 1 epilogue we see there's many oaths on aquilas body suggesting he's come back many times

Also that orphie butler seems to have slit eyes like aquila suggesting they are dragon reincarnations.

Also something that doesnt make sense to me is if the motive for lamia to become a knight was revenge against aquila why did she or did she become one in her previous life.

Aquilas personality shifts are weird I was initially thinking he did those stuff to make him hate him especially we see in the prologue which is info on the original timeline that he had good relationship with lamia. But if hes really trying to make her hate him he couldn't keep trying to get close to her and confesses to her. Hope his personality shift is addressed next season. Only thing can think of is theres a fake aquila framing him.

@mintcinno personally like the series but I agree that lamia isn't a good person they talk how evil aquila is but she conspired with her dad to get rid of a kid
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
@litatata think my previous comment generally lays what's going on

But we have the prologue which seems to detail what happened in the previous timeline.

The main story of the season focus is on the orpheus household there family issue and threat against them.

We see lamia trying to become a knight seemingly to get revenge and protect her brother.

First season the problems of the orphe house seems to be resolved Uri becomes a respected head and seemingly the threat against them is resolved.

Season 2 will likely deal with lamia convincing the prince that Uri is a good duke, the threat still going after lamia and aquila and lamia some how getting close again.

In the epilogue its implies aquila has went back in time many times. Theres many mysteries in series to be resolved whose after lamia, why are nobles mysteriously dying, what's the reason for aquila change in personality, why does aquila seemingly have to keep going back in time.
Sep 13, 2020
Honestly it started off great, with interesting plot, such a beautiful art and strong fl and ml. I think it has more of a complicated-annoying-frustating-stressful plot and lamia the fl is such a b*tch!!! especially on 3 last chapters before the epiloge ugh I swear to god.
Well I still have a hope on this manhwa tho but I don’t think I’ll read it right away after the s2 start, imma read it at when the manhwa is finished because it’s soooo frustating to read and I don’t wanna hate this manhwa (although I kinda hate lamia and uri, for now at least) so imma wait until I get the hint of the ending lol
Aug 5, 2020
I did enjoy this because the character designs were pretty and I cobbled together enjoyment from...mostly aquila scenes, but wow does this have a lot of problems
The entire story feels like it's going nowhere, every time I'm like "oh aquila and lamia might be improving their relationship - no, it's just gotten worse". I can't relate to Lamia's anger that much in the first place, and then it just pops up in the most random places wherever drama is needed.
Like why did she slap aquila in the face in the last few chapters? I could at least pinpoint a source of anger if that was after aquila healed uri and she was mad that their two-year-long struggle could've been solved so easily, but she just gets all "don't touch uri" out of nowhere and I just feel...confused. I thought she seemed to have generated a little bit of goodwill towards Aquila for actually staying out of her sight?
And this entire conflict hinges on getting the readers to care about uri, otherwise lamia and uri's anger just seems completely unjustified, but it just didn't work for me. He's always just felt more like a victim, a plot device, than an actual character.
I just know he's nice, cares about his sister, less capable than Lamia, his hand was injured, he's scared of aquila and was always mistreated and bullied. His entire character just revolves around his injury which makes him seem less like a character. And speaking of which, Lamia seems to mostly boil down to Uri and her hatred for Aquila? Which is sad because we've also seen some bits of her relationship with Ethan, her determination, her skill and her ruthlessness. But instead she just feels like a hollow shell of a character, and one I struggle to empathise with or understand.
Also the lack of explanations for this is frustrating - Especially the question as to why Aquila was so different 3 years prior. I can't understand Lamia's anger also partially because I can't understand Aquila's actions. The person who hurt uri and the person he is now seem so different that it's difficult to connect them together and blame uri's injury on him. Also this whole dragon travelling back in time plot seems to be the hook that drags on till nowhere, I just want to see
past lamia and aquila get together, pleaaase enough with this sine graph of rage that goes on for 40 chapters
I did enjoy some parts of it, but there's just so much wasted potential in the execution. It's a pity.
Aug 19, 2020
Im just guessing the What If Possible routes no hate comments just sharing You might wondering the changed of personality of the Commentator/Author I do not hate this serie ijust hate the one FCKNG SH!TTTY CHARACTER that doesn't even worth saving for well there are some other perspective for that reason like Why Aquila destry Uriel's hand and to suffer for 2 years
The What If's

Number 1
"What if" Aquila dies, and Lamia was too late to realize the reason why Aquila tries so hard just to protect her, in the end Aquila didn't regret what he did while Lamia is regretting for not in the slightest bit of believing in him.

Number 2
"What if " Lamia realize the reason why she dream about her fragment of her past memories that is to say, that she came to conclusion that the time was altered or Time jump/ Reversed time an they became happy ever after Who knows?!

Number 3
"What if" Lamia died is he going to reverse the time once again or is he tired to save a bitch from dying all over again cause it's hopeless

Number 4
"What If" As you can see from the last chapter it seems that he's been going back in time for so many attempt to save LAMIA ORPHE YOU BITCH WHY CAN"T YOU EVEN BELIEVE IN HIM Ok back to normal as we read so far the oath has a very interesting process if the oath is broken what would happen ? will he suffer does going back in time has it's bargain ? what is the price to pay ? for his unnatural actions such as going back in time and what if he decides to tell LAmia THE BITCH the truth would he suffer from it would lamia die from it >? i mean who knows
cause I too am a curious reader
May 3, 2020
@Kryzelle Re-read chapter 37, because he explains why he did it to Uri
Uriel had to become the heir, or else you'd be in danger. Everybody complains about Lamia, but EVERYTHING was an Aquila's complot, cuz he is desperate to save her
Aug 19, 2020
well I just can't lie to myself but yeah uriel had to be the heir in order to save Lamia / Multiple Oath tattoo's on his back.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
honestly most of the strings maybe tied up properly but the ending of season 1 still feels like a massive cliffhanger and equaly as unsatisfying
also i dont quite get why aquilla is so head over heels for lamia i mean besides looks and a slightly unique personality for a woman in this setting she doesn't realy strike me as attractive especialy once you get to know her charackter and flaws

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