Land of the Lustrous - Vol. 11 Ch. 84 - The Night Before

Active member
Mar 12, 2019
@sn89hh Ohhh yeah I just looked at that chapter and it seems like they inserted some of that human dna into her alongside the eye.
There is one looming question though: why did the people who made Adamant include the authentication requirement to begin with? There weren't gems or lunarians they had to worry about.
I believe it’s not really an authentification requirement, but just in general -> only humans can order him around since they created him. Like Adamant was created in order to answer the question who would pray for the last of humanity, and thus he would pray for the last of the humans. However, they probably never expected he would just break down like that and not pray for the Lunarians. They didn’t really expect any other life forms to pop up to order Adamant around, since his job was supposed to be over quickly after he prays for the last of the humans. It is precisely the fact that there were no other life forms during that time that only humans are capable of ordering them around.
Nov 24, 2018
@pinkeree There are several versions but people on Reddit suggested that the author used this version; (1) gold (2) silver (3) lapis lazuli (4) seashell (5) agate (6) pearl and (7) carnelian.

The last one is a bit tricky and I would like to refer to this,

{quote} "The original Chinese characters for the last treasure is 玫瑰, meaning rose, and carnelian is a popular interpretation of the gem that is described as "rose", though it could be interpreted as any red gem." {end of quote}

therefore, from what we saw the gift that Padparascha brought to Earth should be the lead contender.

For Nirvana, it hard to tell as Buddhist in Japan is heavily affected by several culture aspect but my bet is Phos resemble Buddha so much he should be able to escape the cycle of hatred and also release everyone like Gautama Buddha did.
Nov 24, 2018
@sn89hh I never notice that DNA thing, but for the ending I think we will get a good one maybe everyone will vanish.
Nov 25, 2019
well phos tried to talk several times, and everything she got was distrust, anger and weapons hitting her apart for nothing like when she went unarmed to earth. i mean, i just can relate this to the cave myth... some gems got out of the cave, found out stuff, and when they came back... they got violence and distrust, even when phos first went to the moon, she knew that things could get terrible so she just pretend she forgotten, most of them was afraid even of hearing phos, how can people support the earth gems when they act like a dictatorship afraid of even what someone has to say? the only one who wanted to hear what phos had to say was euc. even if the lunarians didnt tell phos everything, even if they lied in some aspects, the moon gems surely know much more stuff about the past and the lunarianas, and even science and technology than the earth gems, and the earth gems, like borts, closing its eyes so easily is just not right, im not saying the earth gems should agree with them, but the question is, they not even opened up to a talk, a relaxed talk. After all, even adamant addmited they should go to the moon, and even if they were brainwashed, phos and the others, it was still their partness, their sis, and its not like because someone got brainwashed that you will get too because of a talk. borts is just a manipulator violent gem... and cinnabar... just 2 words: ungrateful and opportunistic.
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2018
Holy... well, looks like Houseki no Kuni is ending soon. I agree with @rosequartz32 . He did everything for their sake, but the Earth gems didn’t even bother to listen and treated Phos like the plague. No wonder he just “snapped” and said “fuck it, I’ll end you all”.
Jun 2, 2019
I marathoned this recently and holy shit, it definitely took a dark turn
Apr 9, 2018
Those siding with Phos don't understand: From the very beginning, she has been the conductor of her own demise. Every step she took has been one misstep after another leading to her inevitable spiral to destruction, eventually leading to this dark, suicidal Phos who wants nothing but death. She said it herself: 'Pray for me'. She wants death. It's not about the other gems anymore- and in a way, it never was.

Back when Phos was innocent, kind, and weak, she was nurturing, kind, and well-liked, even beloved. Even if she couldn't fight, she could encourage others with her kindness and her words, and was never judged by them. But she wanted to be strong, not knowing what a change like that entailed. She learned the severity of their fight, she learned the meaning of loss, and became cold and cynical and distant. This isolated her from those she once loved. Then she became secretive, and manipulative, as a result of her self-centered desire to bring back those she lost rather than focus on improving in the present, which resulted in even more loss and her diving even deeper into the pit of self-loathing.

Then, once, she succeeded. She reached the moon. She learned the truth. And she found a mean to assuage herself of guilt, even if it meant betraying Adamant, who gave them everything they ever had. Even Achmea said as much: He is not malicious, his secrets are simply part of his design. But she wasn't thinking about that. She was thinking about how she could make up for her past mistakes, and exploited the weaknesses of her fellow gems in order to accomplish this, something the weak Phos never would have done. She was all too ready to abandon more people for the sake of her own happiness.

Even Cairngorm warned her that she would keep losing people in the present for the sake of those who are already gone. And now she's here, one failure too far yet again, and the precedent of caring about others has dropped. All that remains is her desire: Her wish for an end to the suffering. None of the gems are to blame- she set herself on this trajectory from the very beginning.
Active member
Jul 17, 2019
that's not even Phos anymore... pretty much all of his torso, which is composed of the remaining phospophylite in him, has now been lost.
his feet is agate, arms are gold, head is made of lapiz lazuli and eyes made of pearl. She is now a full-blown Ship of Theseus.
Which begs the question, will we be able to see the original Phos? Seeing as all the gems is now helping to clear the ice floes and pretty much majority of Phos's body is just scattered around earth itself. It's not far-fetched to say that Euclase plan against "Phos" is to launch a psychological attack in the form of the original Phos.
Active member
Jul 17, 2019
Also Phos's character profile, with the help of the Wiki:
Vol. 2:

The protagonist. The youngest (300 years old). Just plain weak. Is now trying to help Cinnabar.
Vol. 3:

The protagonist. Their body is starting to become a mess.
Vol. 4:

The protagonist. Their hands have gone, and it seems like their heart has too. That's all for now.
Vol. 5:

The protagonist. Recently, they seem to be hallucinating in bits and pieces.
Vol. 6:

The protagonist. From hereon out, they wish to try their best.
Vol. 7:

The protagonist, Phosphophyllite...Phosphophyllite? Nonetheless, I'll talk about everyone's hobbies this time.
Vol. 8:

The protagonist. Most of the original Phosphophyllite has been lost. Please, bear with them as well.
Vol. 9:

The hero of our story. Working hard.
Aggregator gang
Dec 3, 2019
@Serigof Everything you said seems fine if you forget how hard Phos was trying to be diplomatic about it. He tried to get Sensei to talk, he brushed him off. He tried to talk to Sensei again after finding out the truth, got beaten up despite saying again and again that he doesn't want to fight. He tried coming unarmed alone to show sincerity, got utterly broken and lock away for two-hundred years - potentially remains conscious all the time. When his goal is within reach, got gang up on by those who don't understand or willing to listen to anything. You can't blame him to goes "I gave peace several chances, didn't work" after all that.
Apr 2, 2019



May 25, 2020
@serigof I side with phos because their situation in combination with lapis’s intellect caused a deep curiosity and burning desire to stop an entire war and bring peace to humanity’s descendants. Along the way, they began spiraling downward and grew into a sociopath who wants destruction to both their own body and others’s, which obviously isn’t okay. But the actions are reasonable and logical, and I sympathize with them because the weight of all three races were put onto phos’s shoulders.

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