Last Letter Game

Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Last Letter Game?

More like, Last Letter GAY!

Active member
Nov 18, 2018
Just like everyone constantly breaking this chain jesus
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.

Copypasta courtesy of Pantsman.
Dec 31, 2019
Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Last Letter Thread? Nah, Let's go full South Park

Shut your fucking face, Uncle Fucka
You're a cock sucking, ass licking Uncle Fucka
You're an Uncle Fucka, yes, it's true
Nobody fucks uncles quite like you
Shut your fucking face, Uncle Fucka
You're the one that fucked your uncle, Uncle Fucka
You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn
You just fuck your uncle all day long
What's going on here?
Fucker, fucker, Uncle Fucka
Uncle Fucka, Uncle Fucka
Shut your fucking face, Uncle Fucka
You're a boner biting bastard, Uncle Fucka
You're an Uncle Fucka, I must say
We fucked your uncle yesterday?
Uncle Fucka that's U N C L E
Fuck you, Uncle Fucka, get out
Suck my balls
Jan 19, 2018

Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
Lasteth lett'r threads art the biggest fucking canc'r yond inexplicably plagues ev'ry single f'rum i've ev'r been to. Websites with awful "post numb'r reward" systems hadst dozens of variants. Mine own city council's geocities-looking f'rum hast a goddamn lasteth lett'r thread.

Egad! thou art on a website with m're content than thee couldst belike readeth in a couple of decades, yet thou art wasting hours of thy life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" yond starts with the lett'r "g". Wherefore, who is't the alas wouldst findeth yond excit'ment?

th're art tribes in the arctic circle yond art completely untouch'd by civilization, who is't spendeth a third of their lifetimes with nay m're than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which art did dedicate to hunting and eating raw blubb'r off bact'ria-ridden flote mammals. If 't be true thou art sh'rt on hath said disgusting whale blubb'r, th're's eke a distinct possibility of getting did push out by thy young'r, stout'r offspring from thy home into the freezing tundra to kicketh the bucket, so as to saveth resources. Not coequal these people couldst cometh up with a game as dull and mis'rable as a lasteth lett'r thread, alloweth high-lone keepeth one up f'r 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

th're's only one thing w'rse than yond ex'rcise in communal suff'ring, and yond's those stupid-ass competitive counting games. Counting threads art wh're excit'ment goeth to kicketh the bucket. Presumably aft'r being castrat'd in a lasteth lett'r thread. Ev'ry one of thee is a massive fucking numbskull
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019

Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.

Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2018
for sure though, since we dont have points to grind this thread is just a waste of data.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019

Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.
Jan 19, 2018
Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.
Dec 31, 2019
Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.
Jan 19, 2018

Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019

Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.​
Aug 22, 2019
at the amount of salt and butthurt flooding this thread. Ya gotta love people who claim to hate this, yet seem to find the time and make the effort to keep coming back.
Jan 19, 2018

Last Letter threads are the biggest fucking cancer that inexplicably plagues every single forum I've ever been to. Websites with awful "post number reward" systems had dozens of variants. My city council's geocities-looking forum has a goddamn Last Letter thread.

Like, Christ, you're on a website with more content than you could probably read in a couple of decades, yet you're wasting hours of your life on finding a witty follow-up to "two years worth of semen glopping" that starts with the letter "g". Why, who the fuck would would find that fun?

There are tribes in the Arctic Circle that are completely untouched by civilization, who spend a third of their lifetimes with no more than four hours of sunlight a day, all of which are dedicated to hunting and eating raw blubber off bacteria-ridden sea mammals. If you're short on said disgusting whale blubber, there's also a distinct possibility of getting pushed out by your younger, stronger offspring from your home into the freezing tundra to die, so as to save resources. Not even these people could come up with a game as dull and miserable as a Last Letter Thread, let alone keep one up for 350+ pages with constant new participants joining.

There's only one thing worse than that exercise in communal suffering, and that's those stupid-ass Competitive Counting games. Counting threads are where fun goes to die. Presumably after being castrated in a Last Letter Thread. Every one of you is a massive fucking numbskull.

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