Last Round Arthurs - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Magami Rintarou (1)

Group Leader
Apr 26, 2018
Thanks for the chapter! Ke ke ke ke .... I love genius characters like these....
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018
Luna looks like a pain in the ass character, and she's supposed to be the protagonist. Selling the right of entry because she wanted to buy some bauble, prostituting her knight because she's strapped for cash and still wanting to be the king? Telling a potential vassal to lick her shoes? What other lows can she commit?

This chapter tried to pass her off as considerate, kind and talented, but yeah, not buying it. A considerate person doesn't whore out her servants or make her servant lick her shoes. She's just a dumbass gyaru who thinks the world revolves around her. Yeah, met those kind of girls before, all so selfish and a pain in the butt. In that sense, this character is realistic, because if you give gyaru bitches the right to become king, they'd likely act just like her.

I agree with Felicia, she should drop out. There's no way she can be a decent person. She's more a pain in the ass than this one, and this one at least has her heart in the right place.


And also, don't insult your teacher like that! Answer the freaking math problem.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2018
2 chapters in, and until now she's a really disgusting person.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
Arrogant but not asshole characters like her are infinitely better than the beta MCs we always get
Oct 4, 2018
I love her. I love nearly all Asshole characters. Atleast they are better than those beta MCs. And the dude gives me Accelerator vibes (probably because of that creepy smile). Can't wait to read the next chapter
Jan 28, 2019
Wow what a shitty female MC, that character tho, stupidity at its finest

Guess I'm dropping this series
Nov 10, 2018
2 chapters and I can already predict how this whole story goes... The Mc that is shunned everywhere but suddenly because of this stupid girl he can fit in so he starts to like her more and more, while she continue's to be a disappointing idiot using her knight for disgusting things however she see's fit without ever being grateful and bla bla bla romance pseudo harem idiotic behavior... NO THANK YOU!

Yeah not my type of manga... 😁🤭
Double-page supporter
Apr 16, 2018
So basically the main pair is an ostracized genius and a heroine that's a charismatic asshole?
Double-page supporter
Apr 16, 2018

I don't think it really tried that hard to pass her off as considerate. They were pretty straight with the fact that she was just looking out for herself and only happened to help a lot of people in the process.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2019
Dammit I love Luna lol, she appears to be an airhead at first glance but in reality a master in manipulating people.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2018
I don't know who's more stupid, the teacher who believed the nonsense that the ugly bitch spouted to him, or the MC who took her bait instead of calling her out for lying and trying to set him up against the teacher and potentially embarrassing him in front of the whole class if he didn't know the answer of whatever shitty problem was on that board.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Seems like Luna has some good qualities after all, but seems determined to be free spirited and do things in a way that's sure to agitate others. Definitely has a good eye for people considering she knew Rintarou could solve the equation although setting him up to trample on the teacher's pride because she couldn't do it herself was really underhanded. Seems to be a pragmatic results oriented personality who's not picky about means. Granted really dishonorable compared to the legendary Arthur but is very charismatic, able to attract and lead followers. Also, wouldn't the legendary Arthur be ground to dust from overwork and eaten alive by the corrupt politicians of this era who know how to bend/break or can buy their way around laws, rules, and able to lie with a straight face? Arthur would be honest, do more than his share to help others, take responsibility for his action and those of his subordinates. Corrupt politicians would go on the premise of it's only wrong if get caught, experts in passing blame and responsibility to others, take credit for accomplishments done by others, dump hard jobs on Arthur along with blame for failing while embezzling and sabotaging his efforts.
As for Rintarou seems like he went through a lot of pain and grief due to the jealousy of others for his high spec abilities. That soccer player and student shouldn't have agonized so much over how Rintarou was able to do better despite their efforts, but asked for tutoring to further enhance themselves rather than selfishly stating their best is the limit and Rintarou is a monster for surpassing it. Granted his talent makes it a lot easier for him but it doesn't mean he couldn't find a way to teach them in a more efficient way that sticks.

@Arcverson Teacher is more stupid for listening to the nonsense and bullying others rather than learn from his mistakes and try again. Granted Luna lying was underhanded but she seems a good judge of character and accurately read that he was able to solve the equation. To me it looked like she was so sure that the possibility of not being able to answer the question didn't enter her head. Also, while she does come across as arrogant scum, I doubt pride and looks would be enough to become Student Council President, have majority of students support her, or have Nayuki helping her out as treasurer and comment on how Luna is the reason everyone can smile and have fun.


Jan 18, 2018
Does anyone know whether Mahler's theorem was used correctly or not in this chapter?
Quick Google search says that it turns p-adic valued functions into polynomials.
Sounds like it can be used to find minima and maxima values, but maybe I'm wrong. Not very familiar with p-adic stuff.

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