@trickshot121 I assume someone will. Most of the other stuff they were working on has been picked up by others already. Next update is still TBD so it may be a while.
Honestly, i don't understand why this isn't given a 8 or higher rating, it has far more meaningful (if short) romance than most manga of it's genre, there isn't the annoying slavery trope, and the mc isn't a total moron.
[Polish] Jeżeli o ocenę chodzi to słabo, za dużo dialogów, często czytając długie dialogi można się pogubić o co chodzi. Kolejnym minusem jest to że niby to świat fantazy, ale w historii była pokazana tylko jedna Elfka (Egzamin na Range D) i jedna Nieludz (Recepcjonistka w Gildi). To słabe 5/10 w mojej ocenie. 😓
@MrCandy In case you didn't see the previous comments literally 3 comments below yours, this manga has been dropped by the previous translation team.
Our team will be picking it up soon, but it won't be first priority since we still have other series to work on.
If some other group (or no group at all) will pick this up before us, then that's good too. We don't mind at all. In fact, we welcome it~
@XYZed, sorry sometimes the comments dont load on my shitty phone..
and thats too bad about the prev translation team.. and yeah if y'all get to it awesome.. if anyone does in fact.. its an awesome series that deserves a little attention..
im currently studying Japanese, but i imagine it'll be a few years of practice before i could contribute, one day tho..
is there a site where one can purchase the official english version in the us yet? everywhere i look i find nothing. and any word on a possible anime for this yet? it honestly deserves one
There's no romance. At all. Not even a single kiss. Not even a single hug. Not even hints that he's interested in these girls. They are just convenient tools for him.