attack on incest is not eugenic at all
Eugenics is scientific practice that supports the betterment of population group
and its strongest force is inbreeding, especially that of between cousins and siblings
"but muh habsburgs"
to quote
Royal dynasties as human inbreeding laboratories: the Habsburgs
- A strong inbreeding depression for both infant and child survival was detected in the progeny of 71 Habsburg marriages in the period 1450–1800.
- The inbreeding load for child survival experienced a pronounced decrease from 3.98±0.87 in the period 1450–1600 to 0.93±0.62 in the period 1600–1800
- Such a reduction of inbreeding depression for child survival in a relatively small number of generations could be caused by elimination of deleterious alleles of a large effect according with predictions from purging models.
- Our findings provide empirical support that human inbreeding depression for some fitness components might be purged by selection within consanguineous populations.
"but muh these cases"
to quote
Estimates of genetic load suggest frequent purging of deleterious alleles in small populations
- Our findings suggest that genetic purging occurs over long evolutionary time frames, and therefore rapid population declines are likely to dis-proportionally increase mutational load in species with high diversity, as they carry many deleterious alleles that can reach fixation before genetic purging can remove them.
"but that means killing your own child"
to quote
Embryo selection with artificial intelligence: how to evaluate and compare methods?
- Embryo selection within in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the process of evaluating qualities of fertilized oocytes (embryos) and selecting the best embryo(s) available within a patient cohort for subsequent transfer or cryopreservation.