I am so happy they made sure each and every female had easy to understand archetypes and cliches haha, this will no doubt lead to many funnies in the future. It's too difficult for my small brain to remember if they aren't so one-note haha
I also love how the evil demon king has the personality of a high school Japanese kid and gets flustered over everything. It really appeals to my strap on helmet. Feels bad this stuff gets made so often when it's literally all the same zzz
@duewithmagic Hey! Don't knock the strap on helmets, we Isekai readers need those so we don't cut our sensitive noggins on all the edge the genre throws at us!
I have to admit, for like a split second... I thought they'd believe his story.. I mean it was for a millisecond, then I came back to reality refreshed when she hugged him saying "He made it up, to keep his sanity."
So that Guy was the "Evil King" so pillaging, raiding and general slaughter should be things he did on a Daily basis and additional he is by far the strongest Individual around. Why is he not beating the shit out of everyone then enslaves them and then starts rebuilding his "Dark Country"?
(Btw this is not so much complaining but i never understand these sorts of Stories where the "Evil Character" makes a U-turn in Mindset and just says okay cool im now a good Guy)