Leveling Up Alone - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019
So let me get this straight, normal weapons have nearly no effect on these creatures, as established multiple times so far. But in spite of that, they are able to dismantle them with a freaking chainsaw? A chainsaw is designed for WOOD, one of the least resistant materials on the planet, not to mention, a chainsaw does NOT cut, it SHREDS, e.g. it would be an absolutely terrible method to use on any kind of tough material, in addition to all that, he has no skills nor powers to speak of, so his attempt to dismantle would be incredibly crude and as low grade as possible. In spite of all that, he somehow gets a high rating for the dismantling work?! Heck, he didn't even do the job by himself either, so how does that even work?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@frungy : chainsaws are primarily used for wood, but that is not even what they were made for. They were originally created for surgery. They are also used on concrete and stone as well. Plus they could change the materials and teeth design to make processing other materials easier if needed.
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2019
see guys it's not a mashup ripoff. his dad is sick, not his mom
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019

True chainsaws have more uses than just wood, but none that would apply in this scenario. Surgery, (lol) sure, but the human body is quite soft. Concrete and stone is also possible true, but those are not normal chainsaws and use watercooling and diamond tipped blades, neither of which appear to be present here. But regardless, a chainsaw is still a terrible method, since it literally destroys any part of the material it comes into contact with. This doesn't matter with wood and stone, but when your dealing with any rare exotic materials it's a horrible idea. Imagine someone carving diamond with a chainsaw, it's an absurd thought.

The main point of my argument is that them having both specialized chainsaws while at the same time having dumb slave labor doing the dismantling doesn't make any sense at all. Everything about this group screams stupid, crude, brute force, and stingy as heck, the idea of them having anything specialized seems highly unlikely. Which of course brings us back to my initial point, how does a brute force method, with unskilled labor, on exotic materials somehow result in a high class outcome?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@frungy :
True chainsaws have more uses than just wood, but none that would apply in this scenario.
Yes it does, your refusal to admit that you were wrong does not change that.
Butchers DO use saws when processing meat so them using a powered saw makes sense.

Surgery, (lol) sure, but the human body is quite soft.
Your point being? Other then just being an ignorant smart alec... The first designs (which predate the forestry ones by like a century) were for surgery, primarily on bone which is not soft. Plus this is not a human body, but something much larger and tougher.

but when your dealing with any rare exotic materials it's a horrible idea. Imagine someone carving diamond with a chainsaw, it's an absurd thought.
That depends entirely on the nature of the material. Diamond yes because of the structure they form in, but that is not a claim you can make here.
while at the same time having dumb slave labor doing the dismantling
OK, this comment PROVES that you did not read the chapter. Except it is not F-ing slave labor, the MC got paid the equivalent of around $460 USD for the days work, not a week or a month but 1 F-ING day. That is the exact opposite of slave labor, and if they are paying that much for 1 days work then having spent the funds for proper equipment is not far fetched, now there is a tendency in business to not spend funds on proper upkeep, but there is a definite one to get the tools required for the job in the first place. Thinking someone stingy would not buy the necessary tools that they need to properly make money is quite frankly beyond idiotic. Pushing their money as far as they can yes, holding off on repairs until absolutely needed yes, but not refusing to buy them in the first place.
Spending the funds especially makes sense when the costs of it is outstripped by the hourly salary you need to pay the people using them compared to how much not having the tools increases the hours of work.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 10, 2019

Whoa, settle down.

There's a big difference between a saw and a chain saw, and human bone is also quite soft in comparison to stone, let alone the monsters were talking about here, with their bullet-poof skin and scales.

As you stated, the nature of the material is very important when trying to cut or process it. In this case we have a superpowered monsters, this point alone usually makes normal processing methods insufficient. This is also suggested by how resistant the creatures are to any conventional weaponry, if military hardware loses against them, assuming that old style cutting tools will still work seems a stretch.

Yes, they treat the MC very poorly, slave or not. He is a baggage carrier, that's about as lowest level physical labor job as you can get. Yes he gets paid decently, but he's also working in a lethal workplace. The money is for hazard pay, not skill or ability. Add on to this how they treat him, and it's clear they think little to nothing of him. I mean seriously, they essentially left him for dead when he got aggro, and the moment they find the monsters dead, the first action is to pressure him into giving up all rights to kill, he's clearly at the bottom of the totem pole here.

As for the assumption that they would have proper tools, did you forget that they just had baggage carriers pouring ammunition that is clearly described as being completely ineffective all over the monster last chapter? Every single thing about how this group has operated so far has been horribly crude and mostly ineffective, the only functional party member they have is the tank, no one else is shown as accomplishing anything other than getting knocked around. This looks more like a neighborhood operation than any kind of proper group. It was only the absurd level of dumb luck the MC had that they accomplished anything at all.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
thanks for the chapter, I love that his spirit guide started to puke while he was dismembering the corpse.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2020
I started chapter one expecting a poor man's Solo Leveling (fuck the name is literally 1 letter away from the english name "I alone level up" lmao)

What I DID NOT expect: a story on how the world had gone to shit by cthulu portals and monsters, intergalactic shit, and a dash of magic infused Rebuild World. (literally the setting of this manhwa: post apocalyptic ruins, millitary style battle suits and weapons, even has a fucking virtual companion as well, at least this girl has more personality than Alpha lol)

overall: yeah it's a poor man's solo leveling and rebuild world mesh

also why the fuck is the comment section doing a lecture about chainsaws down there what the fuck?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Thanks for the chapter!

As far as the chainsaw working on the lizard when normal weapons don't, wouldn't the easiest explanation be that while alive, the lizard is circulating mana (making it largely impervious to weapons/attacks not infused with mana) and when dead it's not? In chapter 3 the MC mentions his bullets don't work b/c they do not contain hunter's mana. Of course, this then begs the question why the lizard is distracted by the bullets enough for the porters to grab aggro from the hunters.

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