Liberty - Vol. 2 Ch. 16

Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2020
The worst part is that it feels like another chapter of nothing. There has been no progress to the story for 6 months.
I keep waiting for Liz to get fucked and I have to keep waiting.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
Ok fuck this manga. Only published ones in three months and nothing really happens with just the old senpai/old girlfriend showing up in her car. You know what should happen next chapter? The car gets in an accident Liz and the manipulative bitch senpai die THE FUCKING END. /rage

Thanks for the chapter tbough! I don't understand why I keep reading Momono Moto stories, well..probably because of my masochistic personality -_-
Jun 27, 2019
The thing that is most angry is that Liz is going to do more shit and in the end it will come to nothing because that is usually how these types of yuri manga ends. I would like Maki to get someone better :/
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
Those who survive a long time on the battlefield start to think they're invincible. I bet you do too, buddy.
Sep 3, 2020
Fuck Liz and the producer. They deserved each other and Maki should get someone better. Make Liz realize what she lost.
May 15, 2019

For some reason your comment piqued my interest, care to elaborate what do you mean/who are you referring to by that ?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2020
Tbh, i always felt sorry seeing people cheer for a impossible ship thinking to myself that is pointless. But after last chapter ive got myself cheering for Liz and her producer to sink together in their ship to hell lol
Unfortunately, im mostly a rational person when im calm, so aware that regardless of what may happen the author will progress with the Maki x Liz ship, ive decided to make a effort to not desire for Liz to disappear anymore, only the producer. Either wat, ive always disliked stories where the author force us to swallow a character that they also made us hate. Theres absolutely nothing, even in a possible tragic backstory, that will make me not think of Liz as a untrustworthy cheater. But then again, theres always good people like Maki that seem to get enchanted by trash.
Jan 11, 2021
Bruhhh~ wtf was that, so freaking short. Liz you dumbass you better not do shit stuff that could hurt maki more :mad: Ugh also that driver girl bitch can you kindly get your ass to where you came from before you even existed from their lives.
Jun 3, 2019
@AkodoRyu Some people call these "filler" chapters but they are, in reality, very important as they are set up chapters. It feels like nothing's happening because Liz isn't screwing anyone over this chapter but it's setting the characters' actions for the next act. I know it feels like nothing but these chapters really are important to the narrative...
I hope. I mean, I really hope that's the case.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2020
The main point of my complaint is that the author just takes too much time to develop the characters and story. This is not how one should write a quarterly release of 10 pages, because it takes 3 months to reveal very small details. It needs to be more condensed.

To be fair, this chapter wasn't completely meaningless, we've mainly learned that it's not just with Liz and Maki never had much agency in her relationships and she already has experience with being taken advantage of + people close to her are also aware of that fact. They've also set up a possible confrontation with senpai meeting Liz and Maki going to Liz's place. I think the next chapter will be more or less: Liz and senpai talk about something in the car, senpai takes Liz home, maybe kisses her when she tries to leave and Maki is either there to see it or even to confront Liz. (Oh, or Liz and senpai fuck again and when Liz comes home Maki is waiting curled up in front of her door - let's call this option "the darkest timeline") End of chapter. Another 3 months.

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