Like, Share & Subscribe - Ch. 47

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Regardless of what Ah Li says she's obviously doing it for herself. This is basically the same situation as that girl from My Dear Lass who's name I've already forgotten.
Yes, it definitely is similar and that girl got little sympathy from the comments and story (which I agreed with). I guess since Chilly was around for longer before we knew everything, it's easier to excuse how selfish she's been at every important step. She got to build up enough good will in a way the woman from My Dear Lass didn't. I'm glad LuoLuo isn't letting things slide though.
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2024
Chilly got roped into the worst timing to talk to someone.... when they already feel enraged after seemingly getting over trauma 🔥

Man she got garnished, cooked and served here. And the sad part is that she kinda did this to herself. A script about trauma was easily the worst way to reconcile, its like fixing an amputation with a game controller, that is not how it works!!!

If she somehow isnt completely ex communicated after this chapter, she better ask the deities above for salvation, because she would be fortunate to somehow find forgiveness from LuoLuo.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Song Li is so goddamned smitten it's hilarious! "Happened to be passing by", "She still cares about me", how Luoluo thought she could avoid going back with Song Li is beyond me.
It's interesting because for all the tearing into her she's doing now (rightly so) Luoluo is on board with Chilly's desire to actually make the film. Though I bet she'll make revisions to make the lead bully primary antagonist and if she wanted to twist the knife she could make Chilly portray her.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2023
thanks for the translation!

song li certainly happens to be passing by for all the best moments
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Song Li is so goddamned smitten it's hilarious! "Happened to be passing by", "She still cares about me", how Luoluo thought she could avoid going back with Song Li is beyond me.
It's interesting because for all the tearing into her she's doing now (rightly so) Luoluo is on board with Chilly's desire to actually make the film. Though I bet she'll make revisions to make the lead bully primary antagonist and if she wanted to twist the knife she could make Chilly portray her.
She more wants to get back at that woman who pissed her off. But yeah rubbing it into Chilly would be killing two birds with a stone.
Sep 18, 2020
Chilly got roped into the worst timing to talk to someone.... when they already feel enraged after seemingly getting over trauma 🔥

Man she got garnished, cooked and served here. And the sad part is that she kinda did this to herself. A script about trauma was easily the worst way to reconcile, its like fixing an amputation with a game controller, that is not how it works!!!
This actually explains quite a bit about what happened, and I think it shows pretty clearly why Chilly thought it was a reasonable idea: Chilly saw it as a point of connection between them, as a kind of shared origins story, with both of them being equally much the victim; and she saw (and still sees) LuoLuo as her only friend and (unrequited, but not totally hopeless) crush.

Chilly's experience since leaving high school is pretty horrible, and it's easy to understand why she ended up clinging to her memories of the only person she seems to have felt really comfortable and happy with. She made a clean break with her past, but in doing so she set herself up for a different kind of abuse - being used but not valued, and then sneered at behind her back for being so easy is the kind of thing that can make your entire adult life horrible, particularly if you don't have the self-confidence to fight back. Even though it was tied up with all the bullying, her time with LuoLuo must have seemed golden - add in the fact that she managed to side-step the worst results of the bullying and it would almost be like paradise looking back on it.

And it's important to realise that she did side-step the worst results of the bullying, while still suffering horribly from it - this is, I think, one of the critical things that we as the audience get to see, and which Chilly herself clearly doesn't understand. From Chilly's perspective advising LuoLuo to just 'fess up was reasonable - up-front pain, but then it's done with and life can go on. It's easy to see how that was an attractive idea (to her), even though at the same time she felt guilty about the pain (for LuoLuo), as well as feeling guilty because she was glad that the pain was being suffered by her friend rather than her. But she clearly hasn't realised how much concrete real-world damage it ended up doing - she doesn't seem to have had much to do with LuoLuo after that, and she doesn't seem to have any idea about the chain of events that sent LuoLuo's life down the shitter, all at least somewhat attributable to that perfectly reasonable (to her) advice. All she sees is the good times, with the pain being leavened by the joy she got from their relationship, and overshadowed by the pain she suffered afterwards, when she didn't have someone to share both the bad and the good. To her it's a relatively small thing, past trauma, remembered but not immediate, not part of her life every day.

She never saw Hu LuoLuo living hand-to-mouth, struggling to deal with what she saw as the consequences of that trauma, hating herself for being unable to properly support the people she loved, hating herself for being unable to make a beter life; she didn't see Hu LuoLuo until Song Li had appeared and brought some light and hope into her life. Chilly never had any reason to believe that her relatively small past trauma was actually a massive gaping black hole that almost destroyed Hu LuoLuo

So Chilly is seeing LuoLuo as a saviour, as a way for her to recover that paradise that she lost. She was (I think) hoping that she'd be accepted back into paradise immediately, though she was half expecting not to be recognised (the plastic surgery was very effective, though she seems to see it as a mask rather than a transformation of her self). Hu LuoLuo didn't recognise her (or didn't let on that she may have recognised her), and the longer that went on the more Chilly's guilt about causing pain to her bff/crush fed her anxiety about what might happen when LuoLuo finally did make the connection, leaving her desperate to find a way to force the matter.

The script seemed like a reasonable idea to her, for perfectly rational reasons. She saw it as their story, a story of shared trauma that she had as much ownership of as Hu LuoLuo, as well as a point of connection for them when she was desperately trying to recreate that connection. The trauma itself was a relatively small thing in her mind, overshadowed by the good things that came with their relationship. And offering the lead role in this short film could be used as a way to assuage her guilt, a kind of shamefaced apology for causing pain back then, as well as a way of asking for forgiveness. All of that is perfectly rational and reasonable . . . from Chilly's perspective, with the knowledge and understanding she had about the situation. It's a bit inconsiderate, dropping something like this on LuoLuo without any warning, but for a relatively small past trauma that's not exactly an evil thing to do. It's a bit selfish, demanding that LuoLuo see what she wanted her to see; a bit childish, waving something shocking or surprising in front of her friend's face saying "hey! look at me!"; a bit naive, thinking that LuoLuo's response to that past trauma would have been the same as her response. But I really do struggle to see Chilly as being a bad person, or an evil person - her actions here stem from misunderstanding, mistaken reasoning, and a certain kind of entirely natural human selfishness.

She's also young, mid-twenties at most. People aren't born knowing how to deal with difficult interpersonal issues, they need to learn - it's entirely natural for someone with no experience dealing with this kind of thing to make mistakes. A lot of what makes or breaks a person is how they respond to those mistakes - Chilly has clearly realised that she messed up something, but she also clearly hasn't realised what she messed up or why, and it remains to be seen how she responds.

. . . but all that said, she definitely needs a good smack upside the head, and at some point in the not too distant future it would be useful for Hu LuoLuo to sit her down, shut her up (with duck tape if necessary), and make her listen to the whole story from the other party's perspective, as well as all the subsequent events. That would be good for both of them, showing Chilly that her own perspective isn't the ony one that exists or matters, but also giving LuoLuo a chance to see all the horrible stuff she's gone through reflected back to her on the face of someone who cares about her. That kind of perspective is powerful, and can be very healing for someone who's internalised a lot of the negative shit that comes in alongside trauma.

But she absolutely needs to tell all of that to Song Li first. Because Chilly's response to that tale will be full of guilt and shame and her own pain, whereas Song Li's response will be full of horror and anger and love, and that's the frame Hu LuoLuo needs to be able to put it all in to be able to start healing properly. Chilly's education comes after LuoLuo has been able to start properly healing herself.
If she somehow isnt completely ex communicated after this chapter, she better ask the deities above for salvation, because she would be fortunate to somehow find forgiveness from LuoLuo.
I'm happy to say that I don't think Hu LuoLuo will forgive either Ah Li or Chilly (and I think, for the moment at least, she doesn't really see them as the same person). She's going to punish them both, while at the same time using them to get some payback for past wrongs - maybe once that's done she'll consider letting them live, but they'll never be friends like they were in the past.

That's one thing I really do like about Hu LuoLuo as a character - she's extremely pragmatic, even while being extremely kind. If she can use someone or something to get ahead she will, even if it's not necessarily the nice thing to do - not to the point of harming anyone, unless they clearly deserve it, but she's never gone out of her way to be nice just because being nice is the Right Thing To Do(tm). She's been using Chilly all along, though with some feelings of guilt when she felt she was getting more out of it than was fair; now that she's got a grievance with Chilly she's going to use her with zero compunction. It's really refreshing to see a main female lead who's not some caricature of either end of the niceness scale.
Group Leader
Feb 11, 2024
This actually explains quite a bit about what happened, and I think it shows pretty clearly why Chilly thought it was a reasonable idea: Chilly saw it as a point of connection between them, as a kind of shared origins story, with both of them being equally much the victim; and she saw (and still sees) LuoLuo as her only friend and (unrequited, but not totally hopeless) crush.

Chilly's experience since leaving high school is pretty horrible, and it's easy to understand why she ended up clinging to her memories of the only person she seems to have felt really comfortable and happy with. She made a clean break with her past, but in doing so she set herself up for a different kind of abuse - being used but not valued, and then sneered at behind her back for being so easy is the kind of thing that can make your entire adult life horrible, particularly if you don't have the self-confidence to fight back. Even though it was tied up with all the bullying, her time with LuoLuo must have seemed golden - add in the fact that she managed to side-step the worst results of the bullying and it would almost be like paradise looking back on it.

And it's important to realise that she did side-step the worst results of the bullying, while still suffering horribly from it - this is, I think, one of the critical things that we as the audience get to see, and which Chilly herself clearly doesn't understand. From Chilly's perspective advising LuoLuo to just 'fess up was reasonable - up-front pain, but then it's done with and life can go on. It's easy to see how that was an attractive idea (to her), even though at the same time she felt guilty about the pain (for LuoLuo), as well as feeling guilty because she was glad that the pain was being suffered by her friend rather than her. But she clearly hasn't realised how much concrete real-world damage it ended up doing - she doesn't seem to have had much to do with LuoLuo after that, and she doesn't seem to have any idea about the chain of events that sent LuoLuo's life down the shitter, all at least somewhat attributable to that perfectly reasonable (to her) advice. All she sees is the good times, with the pain being leavened by the joy she got from their relationship, and overshadowed by the pain she suffered afterwards, when she didn't have someone to share both the bad and the good. To her it's a relatively small thing, past trauma, remembered but not immediate, not part of her life every day.

She never saw Hu LuoLuo living hand-to-mouth, struggling to deal with what she saw as the consequences of that trauma, hating herself for being unable to properly support the people she loved, hating herself for being unable to make a beter life; she didn't see Hu LuoLuo until Song Li had appeared and brought some light and hope into her life. Chilly never had any reason to believe that her relatively small past trauma was actually a massive gaping black hole that almost destroyed Hu LuoLuo

So Chilly is seeing LuoLuo as a saviour, as a way for her to recover that paradise that she lost. She was (I think) hoping that she'd be accepted back into paradise immediately, though she was half expecting not to be recognised (the plastic surgery was very effective, though she seems to see it as a mask rather than a transformation of her self). Hu LuoLuo didn't recognise her (or didn't let on that she may have recognised her), and the longer that went on the more Chilly's guilt about causing pain to her bff/crush fed her anxiety about what might happen when LuoLuo finally did make the connection, leaving her desperate to find a way to force the matter.

The script seemed like a reasonable idea to her, for perfectly rational reasons. She saw it as their story, a story of shared trauma that she had as much ownership of as Hu LuoLuo, as well as a point of connection for them when she was desperately trying to recreate that connection. The trauma itself was a relatively small thing in her mind, overshadowed by the good things that came with their relationship. And offering the lead role in this short film could be used as a way to assuage her guilt, a kind of shamefaced apology for causing pain back then, as well as a way of asking for forgiveness. All of that is perfectly rational and reasonable . . . from Chilly's perspective, with the knowledge and understanding she had about the situation. It's a bit inconsiderate, dropping something like this on LuoLuo without any warning, but for a relatively small past trauma that's not exactly an evil thing to do. It's a bit selfish, demanding that LuoLuo see what she wanted her to see; a bit childish, waving something shocking or surprising in front of her friend's face saying "hey! look at me!"; a bit naive, thinking that LuoLuo's response to that past trauma would have been the same as her response. But I really do struggle to see Chilly as being a bad person, or an evil person - her actions here stem from misunderstanding, mistaken reasoning, and a certain kind of entirely natural human selfishness.

She's also young, mid-twenties at most. People aren't born knowing how to deal with difficult interpersonal issues, they need to learn - it's entirely natural for someone with no experience dealing with this kind of thing to make mistakes. A lot of what makes or breaks a person is how they respond to those mistakes - Chilly has clearly realised that she messed up something, but she also clearly hasn't realised what she messed up or why, and it remains to be seen how she responds.

. . . but all that said, she definitely needs a good smack upside the head, and at some point in the not too distant future it would be useful for Hu LuoLuo to sit her down, shut her up (with duck tape if necessary), and make her listen to the whole story from the other party's perspective, as well as all the subsequent events. That would be good for both of them, showing Chilly that her own perspective isn't the ony one that exists or matters, but also giving LuoLuo a chance to see all the horrible stuff she's gone through reflected back to her on the face of someone who cares about her. That kind of perspective is powerful, and can be very healing for someone who's internalised a lot of the negative shit that comes in alongside trauma.

But she absolutely needs to tell all of that to Song Li first. Because Chilly's response to that tale will be full of guilt and shame and her own pain, whereas Song Li's response will be full of horror and anger and love, and that's the frame Hu LuoLuo needs to be able to put it all in to be able to start healing properly. Chilly's education comes after LuoLuo has been able to start properly healing herself.

I'm happy to say that I don't think Hu LuoLuo will forgive either Ah Li or Chilly (and I think, for the moment at least, she doesn't really see them as the same person). She's going to punish them both, while at the same time using them to get some payback for past wrongs - maybe once that's done she'll consider letting them live, but they'll never be friends like they were in the past.

That's one thing I really do like about Hu LuoLuo as a character - she's extremely pragmatic, even while being extremely kind. If she can use someone or something to get ahead she will, even if it's not necessarily the nice thing to do - not to the point of harming anyone, unless they clearly deserve it, but she's never gone out of her way to be nice just because being nice is the Right Thing To Do(tm). She's been using Chilly all along, though with some feelings of guilt when she felt she was getting more out of it than was fair; now that she's got a grievance with Chilly she's going to use her with zero compunction. It's really refreshing to see a main female lead who's not some caricature of either end of the niceness scale.
Always enjoy seeing your analysis of things. And I’d say this is a pretty accurate breakdown of Chilly as a character.

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