Alright, I gotta admit, chilly's got a big brain. She hurt our dear carrot, but this is a great way to get some revenge.
Is carrot live streaming or just recording? If it's a livestream, that is so raw. You go get em carrot!
Livestreaming it - I'd put money on that (though not a whole lot) . . .
Chilly looking very smooth, and the whole thing seems to be very well organised, but they clearly didn't expect the teacher to step in like that. It does show that it's not just a few bad kids, it's a broader issue with the class culture that allowed things to work out the way they did - the teacher turning a blind eye back then was clearly just part of the same pattern that allowed the bullying to continue for so long, and to escalate so much.
I do wonder why anyone thought just apologising would be the end of it - Chilly obviously went to a
lot of trouble to set this up, no one would do that with such a bloodless end in mind. And she has a serious platform behind her - she's not going to be playing silly little games, she's doing something
I hope the livestream blows up, and I really hope the film they made is published and
also blows up - the way everyone responded really makes me sick, they deserve to suffer some pain.