Heres my analysis that i felt like doing (not psychologist)
56;34 minutes
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title : Lily
From the info we see that the video might be unpopular and burried deep in the mass ocean of adultery videos ,or a new one.
The next line of dialogue which is "Alright let's go with this one" from someone which we assume from the point of view the cinematographical angle is providing us with is our main character ,that his bias towards adultery videos is shaken and theres no first hand reflection or thought that would prevent his actions, so he's deeply engaged into the pattern of relieving himself and that the only thought that matters is first view appearence on that video he's about to watch.
The girl's eyes whos pseudonim as we can assume is Lily, are deeply highlighted we see her facial expression, eyebrows , mouth, appears to be describing confidence and contempt. After analyzing her facial structure and facial features we see that she does not have any flaws in terms of acne , scars or anything that sense, her face appears to be clean and smooth, same as her black maintained hair she takes care of hear appearence,we can see a mole above her lips, which is a key unique characteristic that some people might despise or call a "Flaw" to her flawless face.
In the next panel we can see from her open body posture , position and language that she's confident, that she's waiting for what about to happen , bit of curiousity ,she's sitting straight ready,
Another Panel , we can see that her eyes and facial expression change to that of a curious one , shes not avoidant , defending or anxious , shes just curious - like its normal.
The guy's statement "Dont worry im going to make you feel good" does not make her repulse, shes ignoring it.
Her eyes change to a boredom? Letting him play with her mouth as a way of showing obedience, letting him take the lead which is strange after her displaying such an authority and body language in the first panel that was displayed.
The last panel that we show in that slide is of her stripped , laying down, and the first bubble of dialogue displays 3 dots which makes us asume that a quite amoung of time has passed in silence, and after that.. Now we see her only expression was that of a moan. (which we might speculate is a faked one) after the variety of emotions we saw she display earlier.
Okay next panel displays her , turning her head away which confirms by her facial expression ( and the panel under that) , that our confirmation is right and she does experience boredom. She stays silent as she stayed before, the cameraman and actor himself tried to make a talkative dialogue play with him saying "Thats right".
Next we see her bored face in more details "How is it" "Does it feel good?" but that only meets with no response from the girl. Which suddenly the next panel meets with a redirection in dynamics and power play swing with her imperative sentence "Give me the camera" and then her statement " I Will film". This sudden action tells us that she wants to be in a position of power. To the camera man shock and behavioural swing with the camera direction we can assume that this was not staged. "Ah.. Hold on.. WHAT?"
Our Main character after being met with the sudden unexpected cause of events reacts with "Hmm?" his first behavioral approach at the beggining suggests us that his expectations were at the lowest only for his fundamental need to be met he did not care about anything regarding the people involved or the dynamics because he assumed it will be like everything that he couldve expected, only to be met with drasticall shift in sudden action , and unexpected behaviour from the interesting girl.
In the next panels we see the powerdynamics change as the girl displays authority and control over our point of view, the sexual play swap into dominating side , the position change her being at the top , and finnaly her holding the instrument of everything that is needed to make this seen , which is the camera.
As we go forward into only 2 panel page. We see her being satisfied , fullfilled at euphory due to her impulsive behavior and the change in dynamics, her still being at the top as she points the camera at nothing but her, she is in the higlight,she's the main actress of this Film. And this is kino.
As she stares into the void , the picture the horizon which is our panel and in her point of view , the camera, we can see her breath in breath out, squeeeze of teeth and total catharsis, the camera dives deep into her eyes which are infinite.
The next panel finnaly highlights the main character who's face we wouldnt see until the point of him experiencing the relief of all of his emotions. Him, crying. He who's only objective was to gain only some sort of pleasure in which the only way to do was in getting it through sexual relief, the dopamine boost to relief one self of boredom , anxiety or just to experience something.Him crying and experiencing the feeling of different type of emotion, rather than sexual relief he experienced emotional relief experiencing true catharsis, instead of sexual pleasure it turned to unexpectedness, shock , interest , vulnerability - emotional dysregulation, emotional overflow, catharsis.
As he stares at the screen , his tears flowing , his apartament messy full of trash,the disorganization and chaos, that represents the character mental state and anxiety, the point in his life, which can indicate us with the thought of stereotype that we see in modern japanese fiction and non fiction that is symbolism of being a Neet , Hikikomori, social isolation, the deprivation of a life.
Or from which we can see the defense mechanism of denial to cope with the messy state of his life and his apartment that represents this, maybe that leads to some justificiation which he copes with.
He asks "Whyy am i crying", and then redirects it looking at the monitor and saying "This girls eyes" as he looks at the monitor.
And the next panel he says her name "Lily" , and then here we go we have our bridge effect (Dutton-Aron1974) of misattribution of arousal. "what is this feeling" as he experiences catharsis, and that leads to his anxious attachment to amateur actress on internet
The next panel provides us with him , blushing , verbal reaction that reflects his emotional involvement and openness to her, Blushing often signifies feelings of attraction, embarrassment, or pleasure in contexts (aan het Rot et al., 2015).
"Blushing is not only associated with social anxiety, but also with the tendency to experience embarrassment during interactions with others" Him probably being socially anxious which his mental state and apartament state represents could signify.
next panel shows us her working at grocery store, not paying attention to our main character, him having a closed tunnel vision and thinking "Theres no mistake, thats totally lily" literally shows how much he anxiously attached her in his mind after all these years. His obsession with her lead to the point of him literally catching her facial details, such as little mole above her lips, after the mount of time that passed from that time. "Those eyes", we can see her expression getting , worry , curiousity mixed with disgust shock due to the anxious avoidance from our character , we can see he's not treating her as a human , putting her on pedatal as a some sort of lucky charm that leads his life, Him avoiding her gaze , and getting sweat all over him , probably putting him in hypervigilance state and thats insane. As he walks towards the store exit door him , not paying attention to his surrounding his eyes focused on thinking about the situation that he experienced the " goddess " that he masturbated to all these years literally before him. As he walks home, with trash in his room , trash in his life , him not changing. regressing even deeper mentally he opens the porn video once again and restrospects on it now we have the time
"How many times have i watched this video over years" "Its been... three? no,four years.. all this time..."
"No matter how much i searched, i wasnt able to find any information about this girl other than her name Lily" , " she did not appear in any other videos either" , "I CANT BELIVE Ive met " "LILY THE REAL LILY".
Him blushing while staring at computer screen with the same porn video he's seen in all these years hundreds , countless of times , him not moving on , the parataxic distortion of her present in his mind , the girl who he tried stalking through search engines but could not find them in any other video or any information about her , he couldnt move on because he hyperfixated on the point where he emotionally overflowed and mistook this as a sign , as a existential symbolism that would keep him going. his stagnation got reduced by appearence of the proclaimmed "Goddess", coping with emotional distress using a symbolicism that is porn with the girl, hes a slave to himself and shes a sage to him, intimacy vs isolation - young adults needs to form intimate relationships failure results in loneliness and isolation -erikson ,teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity, success leads to ability to stay true to yourself while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self. maslow - morality nope , family tf probably not, health - damn, property - fucking trashes in th house ,friendship - hes isolated as fucks,so no, fmaily - proably not , sexual intimacy - nope , self esteem - nope , confidence - no , achievemtn - no , respect of others - no.
NEXT SCENE THIS GUY FUCKING STALKS HER , GOES TO HER JOB polarized thinking (4am and im on this, so sorry for bad usage of terms) " should i talk to her" "tell her that, im a fan" "no ""to her that video might be ""a sensitive topic" blushing. Looking at her. "A garbage like myself with no redeeming qualities " "has nothing to talk to her about anyways" , okay so isntead of reflection we've got a justficiation and in terms of not talking to her
Next panel , takes awalk sees her , her , hands in the pocket , disassociated look , not paying attention to him , thinking about something. Him : blushing , shock , denial , thinkng "NO IT CAN NOT END LIKE THAT I WANT INTERACTION WITH HER", brain more activated , sweat , stress arousal ,sympathetic sysstem, thinking, ACTION: "H-HEY" "EXCUSE ME".
She stops , she probably knew he stalked her, that might not be an accident that she walked here and they met. She was testing him and trying to get his reaction , that look like not paying attention to trash might been acted to make him say something , she went past him , and then he yelled: she stopped. Got her interest. Damn hes shocked now he's Frozen , the polyvgal theory hyperarousal he needs to think to get her attention
"U-um we always happen to meet at convince store" "could i have your number/" - thought behind that is just wanting to continue seeing her , he wants memento of her , he wants to have anything related to her.
Shes shocked, confused face , curiousity , but also nothing worth her time, she leaves.
"its not like what you think" "L-LILY!". He gets her attention. She stops. "A-Actually" "ive been thinking about this. i have a favor to ask" Stuttering, trying to come up with a thought. "I.. I"
"Will you film me?"
That peaked her interest more than anything. Thats like a challenge to her, no one asked her that. THey always asked to film HER. AND NOW HE ASKS TAHT SHE FILMS HIM? Un be li ve a ble.
She's shocked angered,mad. She turns back, she take the phone.
Her expression calm like ice, she calmed down like she always have, ice cold.
but that, that made her out of balance.
"Fine i take that challenge"
"A-AH" "S-Sorry i said somethin weird didnt i "
she take the phone. No talk back like she always did. she does not talk back, she tests you.
"You want me to make a video"
He's shocked
"YES PLEASE" (OMG IM IN ) he thinks.
her, ice cold piecing gaze , thinking of a scheme , shes curious , he took her interest.
him tunnel vision , sweating , fight flight fawn mode.
"ive started recording" - her calm statement.
"um i" "lily" "your your video " "meant" "meant a lot to me" "when i first watched it i started crying"
he full of anxiety , shy , proud , happy.
Her piercing cold gaze looking at him like hes nobody , but still curious about what hes gonna say.
"i err i"
"there were times when"
"i thought about dying"
"i justcant do anything right ive been bullied since i was a kid"
"and not just by boys but by girls at well tehy would beat me up and take my money stuff like that"
"im alone at work as well and i kinda started to think ive reached a dead end in my life"
"because of that im afraid of people so i cant get along with anyone"
resentment , sad , bitterness , reflection he begins process of healing trying to come up with anything in his life that comes to his head to get her to stay , because shes the only one right now in this moment for him. But telling about his personal problems makes his trauma heal, erikson as i talked , industry vs inferiority - children need to cope with new social and academic demands success leads to competence while failure to feeling of inferiority. He did not develop milestones he fels inferiority weak sense of selfe and loneliness with isolation , he copes.
"But those eyes of yours"
"those eyes pierced me"
"i felt like they were telling me are you sure thats okay"
"like you were telling me " make your eyes shine like mine "
okay literally he misstook her self narcistic some type of territorial expansion with revelation.
"so " "thank you very much for that"
"thats it" , he feels relief and happiness to share his burden , but thats literally random girl that he masturbated to for 4 years.
"it is?" - she asks
him shocked.
and then Punch.
Her restabilishing the position , the powerdyanmics , Him laying on the ground and her at top , sitting on him , showing her authority and superiority , filming him? No , filming herself , cuz she was at the spotlight all along its about her not him, how dare he ask that , her piercing gaze , him shocked.
"Thanks for watching ME

" she leaves looking at him like he were a bug dropping phone and hes flabbergasted because he mistook it. she said bye and then he wanted to stalk her once more but she left the job.
And he got the memento he wanted , he experienced metup with his angel.
Indivuals with Anxious Attachment Styles will hold on to the items or things that give value or meaning to them. ( Safety Blanket ) (video with her ) - AND THAT IS HIS SAFETY BLANKET.