Link of the Day.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
It has been bothering me for a while now but, why was I the only one (mostly) posting on this thread?

I like the idea that "If you work hard, 1 day you will be recompensed" but sadly this isn't true.
So I created this thread, to help those struggling artistes living in the shadows.
It really pains me, and I though it was the same for everybody, that we all had some hidden gems we wanted to share...
seems I was wrong.

Oh well, it's probably me who I 'm just too over sensitive (no homo)

Anyways, if you haven't clicked on those links yet. Do it.
You may found your new favorite stuff, who knows?
May 7, 2018
Surprisingly enough, the forums of a manga reader isnt the best place to find particiation for something like this. I'm sorry that you didnt get what you want, but it's a rather trivial thing in all fairness.
Active member
Mar 6, 2019
Lets try and get this back up and running!

Exa Cognition is an amazing science based youtuber, he combines the scientific parts of technology really well with the economics of implementing them, and has really opened my eyes to some things.

Music of the Day

Waifu of the Day
Active member
Mar 6, 2019
@BlackGeneral I don't want to jump to conclusions, but it seems the thread has been reborn.

Demondice is a fantastic rapper and is the single reason I have hope for rap and songs with a major focus on lyrics at all. She brilliantly mixes different genres with her own style of rapping, and even though she has over 100k subscribers on youtube, thats because of her other, more popular projects bringing fans over. I wanted to highlight her as the brilliant rapper that she is and urge you to listen to her on her own merits, regardless of what else she's done.

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