I really hate what those flipping normies did to Ricardo these last months.
Little by little, those bastards are stealing everything I love with there filthy hands...
Normies are the gangrene of Culture, sie must by purifed, Wir sind uns im klaren,
daß dieser Krieg ja nur damit enden könnte, daß entweder die weeb Völker ausgerottet werden,
oder das Normies aus Internet verschwindet :Cough: :cough: sorry I got a little carried away.
We are sure, that this war therefore could only ended, because( by?) either the weeb people will be (no idea) or the Normies disappeared from the Internet.
Please help
Caution: that manga was published twiced and both have different content; not enough to be completely different mangas but enough to make you get confused at the progression and plot.