Living as an Emperor's Fiancée - Ch. 14

Active member
Mar 9, 2019
@Lunarrin We don't fully know, but the claimed definition is those whom exhibit the genetic traits of magic users (blondes) without possessing any real magic of their own. This is why the Emperor gave her the bracelet (as his beloved sister/relative is also a Ren whom could be killed) in order to pass as a magic user.

The initial explosion of magic could have been caused by any number of factors including it having used up the majority of magic on the first shot to what another person suggested, namely, she has powers similar to the Emperor's, and when she used her own hand, it triggered that huge reaction vs the bracelet hand doing the paltry level 5 magic. There is a lot left unknown to the readers.

Many thanks to the Scanlation team for this release & to the artist/original production team.

Also, the bracelet on the "actress" may also have been a flashback too.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
I'm guessing Ren are a race of people and that guys murdered a lot of them. So he's racist.
Apr 5, 2020
thanks so much to the team! it’s okay! looking forward to the next updates!! 😎👍
May 2, 2019
After reading a lot of fantasy themes, I theorized that Ren are types that can use mana in the surroundings instead of having their own mana while normal blondes have physique that has mana in their bodies.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
I'm confused...
Is this a time skip?
I know the bracelet is in the wrong arm and place but then who are these people?

I was going by some "anti-mage" type that absorb and destroy mana instead of being able to use it but your idea is more interesting.
Aug 4, 2018
@Xirre That is an interesting theory. I kind of agree. I have been thinking she may have magic since that whole incident with the doors trapping her and then taking her to his office or that they like her and chose her for him or in general. Although when she was trapped it was really creepy.

@Mewth @Hadski @TheDragonLord @Lunarrin I don't think his sister is a ren just a normal person, I remember her being described as having dark hair, I think. Also all the magic users are related to the original golden dragon ( I think that's why they have powers) and the blonds are more purely related to the dragon. The emperor is the strongest and also the most purely related I guess. He also has the rare combo of blond hair and golden eyes. The emperor's aide/assistant is a red head but also a magic user. The ren's are blond but have no magic power. Ten years ago the rens killed people (I don't know if it was royals/nobility or regular people) and then got harshly put down and treated even worse than they already were I think.

@sherah69 Hmm, I was considering that too. Or it's just a natural thing like blonds are already rare, and rens are even rarer I guess, but they seem to have been around forever so I don't get why they act like it's some abomination. Although they always do this in fantasy stories.

@Trezcast I think so.

You know I didn't totally notice that she used different hands for touching the stone until everyone pointed it out, but it could be the artist's mistake. Or it could be reacting to the bracelet's power the first time and then after that what was intended by wearing the bracelet originally (not attracting attention) set in and it showed level 5 but I don't know because I thought something was up ever since the she was trapped in an in-between place with those magical doors in the palace and then sent to his office.
May 21, 2018
I thought blondes would be more rare in this but seems like everyone’s blonde
May 2, 2019
@McNANA well story focuses on the magic related people so I expected we'll be seeing them more frequently especially now that MC will enter as a magician.
Jan 25, 2018
Did they explain what is Ren is already and I just forgot or is it supposed to be vague?

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