MC clearly doesn't have the best of personalities but she's certainly darn interesting and hilarious! Boi, just hand her the money, tell the commander you got mugged (even if its shameful), get paid for finding her (or get punished for letting her leave). Either way, our two leads will certainly meet again soon. I'm surprised at how determined he is to find her though. Was the s*x THAT good for him?
She may have missed out on Lancelot. Heck, from what we've seen on him, I can't blame her. Guy looks and acts the most normal and fitting for his job. Guy has above average good looks, is wealthy enough to financially support ML, and so far the (again) most normal of his top subordinates. Surprised ML isn't irritated enough or curious enough why she was looking for Lancelot instead (sure it'd make him look vain but I need me some jealous ML soon)