Load images from local temporary files when they exist and have full integrity, rather than always fetching from web

Group Leader
Dec 25, 2019
I have a bad internet connection, so sometimes, half of the chapter doesn't load and I have to refresh the web page, which reloads all the images from the start, defeating my internet connection again.
With most manga, one can load pages in "single page" mode so that's kind of a workaround, but while reading manhua in "long strip" mode this issue can be actually troublesome.

Same thing if I read a series and I suddenly want to check something in a previous chapter I just read before. It reloads all the chapter from the start, although all the data is probably still in my temporary internet files or my web browser's cache somewhere.

All that reloading from the web rather than from my hard drive means both suffering for me (because of poor internet) and useless load for MD's servers (why sending me sometimes dozens of MB of images from the web rather than having MD's webpage directly finding them on my hard drive?)

Of course, there's still the question of whether the local files have full integrity or not. So, maybe, the images should be sent along with a checksum or something, so MD's javascript code can check the images' integrity before asking for new files.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
It's possible to implement via the CacheStorage. Furthermore, MD could potentially preload followed manga in background using ServiceWorkers, and even have cross-platform offline mode for stored chapters...
But, I don't see this happening anything soon, if happening at all. You should know why if you lurk the Suggestions forum.

In the OP's case, I think using a downloader and reading locally is the most realistic solution.
May 5, 2018
Browsers already should cache the images and I just checked to make sure mine does. Open your browser's developer tools and switch to the network tab. Then switch between the previous and next chapter pages a few times to see the cached requests.

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