Logic puzzles

Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Answer and add below

A woman calls police one winter night. She's nervous and distressed whispering that someone with a gun is trying to kill her!

The police are immediately dispatched and upon entering the caller's premises they find a male body lying supine in front of the bedroom. A bullet stuck in his forehead.

The woman explains that she heard rattling outside her bedroom door so she called police and armed herself with pistol from bedside drawer. When the man opened her bedroom door she fired.

Upon investigation they found a magnum a meter away from the man and his prints were clearly defined on the gun. The index finger print was on the trigger and the four other finger prints were on the handle.

A window was also smashed open and the mans prints were left there from when he climbed in. There were also prints on the female's valuables which were inside a bag that the man carried

The woman informs police that she had no idea who the man was and why anyone would want to kill her.

The detective calmly asked someone to arrest the girl for falsifying evidence why?
Oct 27, 2018
1. She called and said there's someone with a gun. Then she said she heard rattling and called the cops right away, without knowing what or who was outside.
2. Prints showed that the man climbed in, but she said she shot the gun as he was entering?
3. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
3. Due to the anatomy of the thumb the thumb cannot leave a print on the handle of the gun. It rests on middle finger. Only the side of the thumb will touch the gun at best.

Clarification on 1. If the burglar had to open the bedroom door. It means it was closed. So how did the caller know he had a gun. Caller also said she did not know the man so she couldn't have guessed. Meaning she shot the man and artificially put his prints on the gun then called police.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
There's more of it than that right? It doesn't make sense for someone to falsify evidence if the man is just some burglar.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
It was just simply a woman shooting a burglar, got scared about being charged for murder so she planted a gun with his prints.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Well see this wouldn't have happened if she lived in Texas. Gotta love the Castle Doctrine.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
A man calls the police one winter night saying that his girlfriend had gone missing from her home.

The police arrive to find the door smashed opened. Inside the kitchen was a mess. Broken cabinets, tumbled shelves. Utensils everywhere and a broken kitchen window. The police could not find any prints other than the man's and his girlfriend's. The girlfriend's blood was also on multiple pieces of furniture in the kitchen.
In contrast the lounge area was pristine. Half a pot of hotpot had gone cold on a trivet on a table with cold cup of cup of tea next to it, a small puddle had formed around the cup. There was also a remote next to the cup for the TV.

The only thing out of place was a trail of soggy, heavy boot marks on carpet that led towards the frontdoor from the kitchen. Drops of blood accompanied it.
As it snowed slightly outside as it did almost everyday this month the detective came in and asked the man for the details.
He said something along the lines of him spending the whole day working and then out with workmate for drinks but he left earlier than usual because instead of going home he wanted to surprise his girlfriend and was shocked when his girlfriends was missing. Her place had become like this when he opened the door, turned on the lights and heater.

When questioned the neighbours said they heard nothing around that evening but they started gossiping and said that the pair would always argue and just yestermorning they heard them arguing and more screaming yesterevening.
The mates confirmed that the man went drinking with them and left at the time the man had gave his alibi.

Then the detective asked someone to arrest the boyfriend for suspicion of kidnapping and murder.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
BTW Im always gonna have the perpetrator and the victim be of different sex cause its easier to differentiate them.

Ill have to think of titles when I get to having multiple suspects cause I suck at naming.
Mar 2, 2018
I'm not a smart person. "The lounge area was pristine" would suggest that the victim knew the person that entered the house or the person had a key.
"a trail of soggy, heavy boot marks on carpet that led towards the frontdoor from the kitchen" the footprints are going from the inside to the outside, i would say that they were placed after the fact.
"neighbours said they heard nothing around that evening", broken door and window have not been heard that evening.
"just yestermorning they heard them arguing and more screaming yesterevening.", the whole situation most likely happened a day earlier but the culprit notified the authorities a day later to create an alibi.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Broken window was supposed to be the entry method but still works.
There's one more hint that's harder to notice but shows it was indeed done yesterevening.

Clue: dinner, winter, heater and
Mar 2, 2018
I wouldn't say that the food part was harder to notice, i've read it like 3 times as i was suspecting it's important but it falls outside of my knowledge.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
So according to the man.
He opened the door, turned on the lights and heater.

Meaning the room was cold from the broken window.

Now lets suppose that the kidnapping took place of the same day. The hotpot cooled and the tea cooled. But condensation only occurs when warm air is cooled by something cool.

The kidnapper turned off the lights and heater. The broken window then cooled everything. Hot tea and slowly encroaching cool air does not create condensation on the outside of the cup

But what about in reverse what if the girl actually drank ice tea with the hotpot? Which I assure you most people do than drinking hot hotpot with hot tea.

The warm air would have been cooled dramatically by the cold water/ice forming condensation around the cup.
The kidnapper then turned off the heater.
The colder the temperature the less likely the water will evaporate. As it was snowing you can imagine how cold the house was until the man returned and called police.

If it was on the same day with ice tea. Since the man left early from drinks and expected the woman to be awake(according to his alibi). It must only been a few hours between the womans dinner and the man coming back. Meaning even with a broken window the hotpot shouldn't have gone cold.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
2 buckets.
One is 7 liters. Other one is 3 liters.
How do you get 5liters.
Twist on a classic

But basically the same

two buckets; seven
and three liters how five get?
Twist on a classic.
Mar 2, 2018
'gain i'm not a smart person. I would say fill the 7liter bucket and just pour 2l out.
I guess the point is that you can't do it that way.

Fill the 7l one, pour 3l from 7l bucket to 3l bucket.
Now you have one with 4l and one with 3l.
Spill everything out from 3l bucket, pour 3l from 4l bucket to 3l bucket.
Now you have 1l in 7l bucket and full 3l bucket.
Spill everything out from 3l bucket, pour 1l that's in your 7l bucket to empty 3l bucket.
Now you have empty 7l bucket and 1l in 3l bucket.
Fill the 7l one, pour 2l from your 7l bucket into the 3l bucket that already have 1l inside.
You end up with 5l in 7l bucket.
Aug 28, 2019
just want to add another solution i guess

Fill the 7l bucket with liquid, then pour 3l of liquid to the 3l bucket.
So that the 7l bucket has 4l of liquid and 3l bucket is full.
Empty the 3l bucket then pour another 3l of liquid from the 7l bucket.
So that the 7l bucket has 1l of liquid and 3l bucket is full.
Empty again the 3l bucket and pour the remaining 1l of liquid from 7l bucket to it.
So that the 7l bucket is empty and the 3l bucket has 1l of liquid in it.
Fill the 7l bucket fully again.
Then, place the 3l bucket inside the 7l bucket so that 3l volume of liquid will be displaced (bouyancy) and neglecting the volume of the bucket itself.
So now that the 3l of liquid displaced from the 7l bucket, will give you a 4l of liquid.
Pour the 1l of liquid from the 3l bucket earlier to the 7l bucket.
Now you have 5l of liquid.
Sep 4, 2019
my solution:
A= 7l bucket
B=3l bucket

fill B
pour B in A
fill B again
pour B in A again
fill B again
fill A with B
now A=7 B=2
empty A
pour B in A
A=2 B=0
fill B
pour B in A
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
Alrighty so I saw a vsauce2 vid and if you have watched it too then don't spoil those who don't know. And don't look up his video to cheat this either.

Paradoxical Letters
There are two letters, each concealed and both you are unaware of the contents. One letter contains twice the money of the other. You have chosen a letter and you are given the option to trade with the alternative. Should you switch?

Logically, no. Mathematically, yes. Why? I don't know.

You picked letter A. Let the amount of money in letter A be X. Letter B should either have 2X or X/2.

Counting the probabilities for the money in letter B:
1/2 of 2X + 1/2 of X/2 = X + X/4 = 5/4 X

You will be 25% more likely to get twice the money by always switching. Right?

Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
honestly I read this before once, and was like can't be stuffed to think. But now that I read it again; it just seems fractions/probabilities aren't your strong suit.
x and 2x shouldn't be used as they are mutually exclusive entities/letters. 1/2 chance of getting A or B instead makes it less complicated. 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 or 1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4=1 (for all the possibilities of a probability tree. You can't half/quarter your probability just because one has half the money. The amount of money in there doesn't matter. you can't say 1 million vs 1 dollar = 500,000 + 1/2 = 500,000.5 or 5000.005% chance of getting more money.
Neither can you add up those probabilities as your yield as you only get one envelope in the end not both.

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