My bet is that the author either can't seem to decide on any sort of continuous plot, uses this as just a collection of starting points for potential stories in other works, had a good initial idea but realized it was so shallow that no actual story could become of it and is now just producing whatever the fuck they can think of to meet deadlines, they do not understand what "daily life" means for describing stories and thinks it is literal snippets of random parts of the day where no context or background information is given reguardless of what is currently happening, or (and most likely) they based the entire concept around "cute character designs" and had never intended to write an actual story in the first place for whatever reason.
Either way the story is likely fucked in terms of any sort of continuous plot. Characters were interesting for the first 20 or so chapters but now I get the feeling that this will be (or should be) axed pretty soon if nothing developes.