and the maid in the woods is still sus... She had no bodyguard and a maid wouldn't go to demon territory in the woods at night full of monsters. She'd be eaten alive. You want to tell me that 13th, who runs the army send her maid to such a dangerous place alone . Bullshit, that tells me shes scouting and collecting information about the area. You also notice she tried to recruit them as they said they were monster hunters. She didnt forget about it, but was playing it off and went on to explain the city is getting its ties cut. asif hinting the city is doomed (MC already knows this is coming)........ Dont know what will become of the city ? bullshit, They are already trying to invade it. She knows!, having their ties cut is part of their plan. Doesnt all this bullshit add up ?
MC jut naive enough to let her go :/