Welps. Time to wait for an English translation for this manga.
UPDATE: I have read the first 3 chapters and I was kinda wrong yet right. There is a crossdresser. But there is a non-binary mc, transgender characters. I think that it's good that the main character is cis because they are showing the readers to understand more about genders. Personally, I don't think trans-people are "traps" but the gender they are. If a transwoman tells me they are that gender then in my eyes; they are a woman. Not to add trans but just a woman. Because I want them to feel that I see them as the gender they should have been.
Its hard to be a killing machine inside a meatbag, he belongs on the battlefield, living as a real attack helicopter. Also, the chapter art is cuter than the manga cover page to my eyes for some reason.
Whut Wait, I've seen this manga before....
Exactly I read 3 weeks ago, ....
Edit : This artist and artwork seems familiar....Konayama Kata, Hmmm....
Edit 2 : DAMMIT, This is sequel of Kimi Dake no Ponytail (H-manga)