Love Me for Who I Am

Mar 24, 2020
this is a good example of non binary people existing

This video should be on every bigot's watchlist

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Share the link whenever you see a bigot.
Feb 12, 2021
Wauw just wauw. I just read it. By the end I got all teery eyes (sorry English is not my first language).
This is the best LBGT + manga I have ever read. Great ending. Just wauw. Hope there is a part 2 to this manga . It whote make a great anime if the make it from this novel. I I'm not gone give spoilers just read it keep your mind clear of all options en just read it take your time.
Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2019
Perhaps I'm too lenient with my age. But I feel like "TERFish" is unfair assessment even with "mild". Like it was less terfitory and more scared child . But perhaps I'm not good enough judge, and I'm not sure where these lines go.
Apr 22, 2019
@Orangechrisy Being trans is straight up a defect. Give me proper, legitimate proof that its something natural and good for people, and that transitioning is anything but merely satiating a delusion.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
@Orangechrisy Being trans is straight up a defect. Give me proper, legitimate proof that its something natural and good for people, and that transitioning is anything but merely satiating a delusion.
That's a yikes from me mate. I really do wonder why you are 27 chapters into a manga about trans people where the main focus is accepting trans people when you are entirely against trans people.

Anyways let's break that up a bit.

Being trans is straight up a defect.
Defect is both a vague and loaded term. As Merriam Webster defines it, a defect is "an imperfection or abnormality that impairs quality, function, or utility". Other dictionaries use similar definitions. However, generally the only time its used in regards to humans is with a genetic defect, which is a disease or disorder inherited genetically, something which being trans is not. There has been a small bit of evidence to suggest when one twin is trans the other twin has a higher chance of being trans, but nothing solid yet nor anything relating to inheritance, there is no trans gene you can inherit from your parents. So ignoring that, we can discuss being trans as an imperfection or abnormality, although that's rather dumb. If you define perfection as being cis, then yeah being trans would be imperfect. If you consider normal to be things that occur in >10% of the populace than yeah being trans is abnormal. But there's a reason someone who is blind is not called a defect, they may have a defect in their eyes somehow, but they themselves are not a defect (and most forms of blindness aren't total blindness and therefore can be dealt with using glasses, which, considering how many people say glasses make people hotter/cuter, could mean that not being partially blind is a defect). Similarly, trans people may have dysphoria which one can consider a defect due to its negative health effects and whatnot, but being trans itself is not a defect (although how much one can consider dysphoria to be a defect is also something that can be up for debate, if you consider anxiety and depression to be defects than you could say dysphoria is also a defect as it's effects tend to be similar to those). Being trans does not for instance impair quality, function, or utility (unless you count quality to be a perfect cis body). And even after all this, there's a reason we don't call people defects for being X, because it's dehumanizing. You could pick pretty much any trait of humans and call anyone who doesn't have the perfect version of that trait to be a defect. You can consider being light skinned a defect if you only care about how well someone can protect against UV radiation and you can consider being dark skinned a defect if you only care about how well someone can take in vitamin D. People aren't defects, people can have defects, but what is considered a defect is very vague and not defined at all, you sure didn't define it. You just said being trans is a defect, how? In what way? Using the term defect is entirely useless here and solely serves to dehumanize trans people.

Give me proper, legitimate proof that its something natural and good for people
Alright let's split this one up too cause there are two very different things here.
its something natural
Considering trans people and people who do not fit the category of cis have existed in cultures all across the world since civilization began (you can check out the wiki pages for transgender history and third genders for more info into that) and considering people as young as at least 3 can recognize their gender even when it doesn't match with their bodies, yes, trans people are natural. There is a whole bunch of studies at this point which indicate a number of biological causes and indicators of being trans, but it's not like there's a trans gene (at least none discovered yet). Some leading theories suggest hormones in the womb during development may be what affects someone's gender. But like, it's not something that you need to find an exact root cause of to understand that it exists and is a naturally occurring thing. We didn't even know hormones existed at all until the early 1900s, but they still existed and affected life and what they caused was natural. I don't know how to fully prove to you that being trans is natural if you are set to ignore the fact that trans people have existed throughout history and the fact that many trans people know their gender at a very young age. Trans people make up about 1% of the population, that is not some exceedingly rare anomaly that can be discounted as insignificant. In the greater scheme of things for humans, 1% of people having a trait makes it pretty normal. Also, I really doubt you can provide proper, legitimate proof that it's not natural. You can't cause it's just a thing that some people happen to be.

its something good for people
This is just a weird thing to make a note of and to have as a qualifier. Being trans itself I wouldn't say is good or bad, it's neutral, it's just something some people are. Being gay is similarly not good or bad, it's just something some people are. Transitioning is good for people, as it is the only way that we know of to deal with dysphoria, and therefore transitioning helps alleviate trans people of their dysphoria which is a good thing. But being trans isn't the same thing as transitioning, transitioning is just a way to deal with dysphoria (or to gain euphoria). You could say that being trans is the result of introspecting oneself and therefore often means that by realizing you are trans you are coming to have a greater understanding of yourself which is a good thing. But you could also say that due to trans people being discriminated against, being trans is a bad thing for a person as there is a higher chance for that person to face discrimination, harassment, and the like. But either way, this is just a weird thing to make a point of that doesn't actually serve any purpose since how good or bad something is for someone or for people as a whole is determined by what basis you are measuring it by. And just being trans is inherently neutral, just being trans does not inherently mean anything good or bad.

that transitioning is anything but merely satiating a delusion.
What is meant by delusion? Delusion of what? Deluding themselves of what? One's gender? One's sex? You must first prove that being trans is a delusion or actually state what it is a delusion of. Usually when I hear this, it is meant in the sense that "trans people are delusional to think they have XY chromosomes when they have XX chromosomes". Which is just a completely false idea of what trans people believe and is also completely ignoring the distinction between gender and sex. Trans people aren't deluding themselves of anything, they are just stating their gender identity. Transitioning, the process of socially or medically transitioning, is the only known way to alleviate gender dysphoria. There have been many studies on this, and to claim that transitioning doesn't alleviate gender dysphoria or that there are other ways of alleviating gender dysphoria, than that is factually and entirely wrong and you will not find any studies that back you up. This on its own should prove that transitioning isn't merely satiating a delusion. And back to earlier, you have to prove that being trans is a delusion here. As Merriam Webster defines it (and as others similarly define it), delusion is "a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary", which being trans or having gender dysphoria would not fall under as all evidence of such so far is supportive of trans people. There is no delusion here to even be satiated. Transitioning helps people.

I doubt this is good enough for you, maybe it is, but hopefully other people reading this can learn something too. Looking back at your older comments here, I realized your the person who used bible quotes to as evidence of trans people are bad and mentally ill and also referred to a bunch of national and international health organizations as businesses shilling out to not be cancelled. So I guess I do have to ask, do you even know what proof is? I hope other people can learn from the shortcomings in your arguments and from the rebuttals of them.
Sep 23, 2019
The ending was such a letdown.
I was expecting (more) drama with a proper epilogue but nope. They left it open ended with a positive outcome. And now I'm pretty sure this was rushed if you ask me at least. I mean the entire cast was literally put in the bin minus Mogu. All that buildup, all for nothing.
This definitely deserves a solid 6 and not any more nor less.
Dec 13, 2020
the story was really good, but i do wish they had a more thought out ending, it did seem rushed but over all i think its a really great portrayal of people in the lgbt+ community and some of the different struggles of accepting and expressing oneself 💗
Double-page supporter
Jul 9, 2018
That's a yikes from me mate. I really do wonder why you are 27 chapters into a manga about trans people where the main focus is accepting trans people when you are entirely against trans people.
Maybe the guy doesn't really hate trans people or enjoys a good story? All this points out is that he is open minded enough to read this manga. Considering this a yikes just shines light to the real problem, its that most trans people are fragile.
Usually when I hear this, it is meant in the sense that "trans people are delusional to think they have XY chromosomes when they have XX chromosomes". Which is just a completely false idea of what trans people believe and is also completely ignoring the distinction between gender and sex.
How come Gigi despite knowing that she couldn't have kids before transitioning she still feels embarrassing because she cannot go through womanhood and feel like a woman? obvs this is a delusion. Mind you this is a delusion that transitioning amplifies if the trans person is being lovebombed and this constant barrage of confirmation that they are a woman and that they are a man and not the other. This doesn't even bring up the suicide rate either.
Transitioning helps people.
also indicates that greater availability of medical and social support for gender transition contributes to better quality of life for those who identify as transgender.
It only helps because it is just reaffirming what they believe. If I want to identify as a man and get a robo dick of course it would help because it is reaffirming that I am a man.
gender and sex
literally just a thing because Dr. Money took advantage of David and forced him to be a girl by making him do sexual acts with his brother. Ofc David believed he was a girl (constant reaffirming throughout his teens) until his parents told him he was supposed to be a boy which led to him feeling suicidal. Yall should really look into this botched study. vile stuff. I don't know how nobody took the manipulation Dr. Money did to make David Reimer feel like a girl.
Nov 10, 2019
This started out so well but went so bad around a third of the way in. Be it the casual sexism or the hypocrisy of some of the characters that was never addressed within the story. Just glad they finally got their happy ending and I can put this terrible series behind me now.

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