Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 31 - Chapter 31

Double-page supporter
Mar 20, 2023
Ok, it's certainly interesting (and kind of funny) how many have thought that Jinju is quite manipulative, but Doyeon just confirmed that she manipulates Jinju into sex, and she knows it. Although I honestly don't think Doyeon did something really bad, after all, Jinju brought her closer again, the problem was that having sex in a public bathroom is something that would be better to talk about before doing XD I don't think Jinju will tell her that he loves her, but I hope that at least he will tell her that she is not the only one who is getting attached
Dex-chan lover
Oct 8, 2018
Damn, it's deep!
I wonder what Jinju will say to it.
If what Doyeon said is all true or just what she thought she was doing.
I really like the depth and messiness of those characters
Dex-chan lover
Mar 29, 2023
Really, Doyeon?! REALLY?! Who the fuck has sex in the bathtub without taking their bra off? (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
...Sorry... I needed to take that out of system.

I wouldn't blame Junji if she says "no" to the first question (do you love me?). Doyeon hides too many things. As for the second question (can you love me?), if she says "no" I'll be pissed. She already likes her, they should work on knowing more about each other.

2. I think doyeon really believes she’s some kind of monster. She takes any opportunity to beat herself up. She may like to be nice to people because maybe that’s her trying to cover up her true intentions? Whatever they may be. Which I don’t think she’s a monster she’s just way too hard on herself.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. If anything, she is more human than ever when she drops the act and shows her selfishness. No one is 100% good.

if i have to be honest with you, i spent 50% of my time translating doyeon's info dumping and the other 50% redrawing (badly) jinju's ass... so it makes sense that i worded some stuff in a weird way, sorry for that
Badly? what are you talking about? I didn't saw the raws, but it looks good. Besides, her ass is half under water, which can distort the image(? Thank you for all your work Jazkin!
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
I’m glad Doyeon addressed the restroom thing, she’s 100% aware of her actions and that what she did was wrong… yet she doesn’t seem sorry at all. Instead she’s excusing it under the fact that she’s not a good person, tbh i gotta respect it because it makes things interesting and at least she’s being honest. She’s a little fucked up but that’s ok

thanks for the update!
Rather than excusing what she did with "it's because I'm not a good person", I read it more as "this is what I did, so now you know that I'm not a good person". Tho I mean, it could be an excuse too, since she didn't say she'd do anything about it, just stated it very matter-of-factly. I just didn't feel like she was making excuses for her behaviour/trying to make it seem like what happened wasn't that bad. It just felt heavy.

Oh that reminds me. That's quite the change of heart from what they talked about in the bath, Doyeon asking Jinju to keep thinking of her as "sweet", to Doyeon admitting to not being a good person. It's like the scenes mirror each other. Whatever was on Doyeon's mind when she woke up, or wtv she was thinking of as she looked at Jinju's picture with her husband, it's like her façade wavered and she gave it up, like she can't do this anymore. Rather than keep on smiling as if nothing was wrong, to keep on pretending to be happy and not want anything more from her, to keep 'pretending' to be "sweet" to be loved... she discarded that façade and is asking to be loved even if she isn't a "good person".
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 25, 2023
Really, Doyeon?! REALLY?! Who the fuck has sex in the bathtub without taking their bra off? (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
...Sorry... I needed to take that out of system.

ALSO THANK YOU JAZKIN !!! Youre doing so slay at translations and cleaning !! tbh if someone said this wasnt an official translation id be really shocked LOL
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
Lmao the new chapter is an announcement 😂😂. I’m guessing the season is over? Maybe the author is sick? I hope not
Group Leader
Feb 11, 2023
Lmao the new chapter is an announcement 😂😂. I’m guessing the season is over? Maybe the author is sick? I hope not

ig they took a break, it happened a few other times
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
I know I am late to this thread, but I just got caught up. I wouldn't call what happened an apology in any way. Doyeon did not say she was sorry, she did not say she would not do something like that in the future, and she did not really even express remorse.

What I do think is that Doyeon feels like she has all the power in the relationship and is taking advantage of Jinju. She does not even seem to feel especially bad about this, but has realized that it's possible Jinju is going along with this out of obligation or desperation, rather than real interest in her. If this is the case, Jinju could also still be romantically interested in her husband and planning to leave the instant he shows up.

She has tried to use sexual situations because she finds it obvious Jinju is enjoying it and found that reassuring, but has found herself not satisfied with the idea of a purely sexual relationship. Hence we end on the her asking Jinju if Jinju loves her, ie, is interested in her romantically and not just sexually. She therefore is trying to share her true intentions, including her disregard for normative ethics and social rules (ie a "bad person" by society's definition, the type of person she tries very hard to not appear as to most people), because she wants to find out if Jinju is interested in her romantically both in general but also while knowing this.

Probably what is coming is Jinju asserting her autonomy more and basically explaining why Doyeon doesn't actually have all the power in the relationship. Jinju has stayed with her because it is her best option, not because she is forced to, and Jinju has been willing to engage with manipulative acts to retain that access.

Doyeon has actually been extremely attentive to providing Jinju a safe and comfortable living environment and her disregard for normative rules has been a large part of why she has been successful, eg, not sharing information with the police that turned out to be cake, casually investigating for hidden camaras daily, etc and is someone who is actually capable of doing this successfully (since many would fail even if they tried). If Doyeon can be said to be a "bad person," that is precisely what has kept Jinju safe and relatively comfortable.

Probably we are going towards some kind of "We're both terrible people" resolution that doesn't enable a healthy relationship, as we need to retain the drama factor, but allows them to deepen their relationship and interact more as equals. The author I think has been very careful about writing this in a way where they seem to have contributed equally to the dynamic, even though at different points one or the other has seemed more in control, so it's more or less time for Jinju to reassert herself after Doyeon's wild actions that have gone unchallenged for a while.
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
I know I am late to this thread, but I just got caught up. I wouldn't call what happened an apology in any way. Doyeon did not say she was sorry, she did not say she would not do something like that in the future, and she did not really even express remorse.

What I do think is that Doyeon feels like she has all the power in the relationship and is taking advantage of Jinju. She does not even seem to feel especially bad about this, but has realized that it's possible Jinju is going along with this out of obligation or desperation, rather than real interest in her. If this is the case, Jinju could also still be romantically interested in her husband and planning to leave the instant he shows up.

She has tried to use sexual situations because she finds it obvious Jinju is enjoying it and found that reassuring, but has found herself not satisfied with the idea of a purely sexual relationship. Hence we end on the her asking Jinju if Jinju loves her, ie, is interested in her romantically and not just sexually. She therefore is trying to share her true intentions, including her disregard for normative ethics and social rules (ie a "bad person" by society's definition, the type of person she tries very hard to not appear as to most people), because she wants to find out if Jinju is interested in her romantically both in general but also while knowing this.

Probably what is coming is Jinju asserting her autonomy more and basically explaining why Doyeon doesn't actually have all the power in the relationship. Jinju has stayed with her because it is her best option, not because she is forced to, and Jinju has been willing to engage with manipulative acts to retain that access.

Doyeon has actually been extremely attentive to providing Jinju a safe and comfortable living environment and her disregard for normative rules has been a large part of why she has been successful, eg, not sharing information with the police that turned out to be cake, casually investigating for hidden camaras daily, etc and is someone who is actually capable of doing this successfully (since many would fail even if they tried). If Doyeon can be said to be a "bad person," that is precisely what has kept Jinju safe and relatively comfortable.

Probably we are going towards some kind of "We're both terrible people" resolution that doesn't enable a healthy relationship, as we need to retain the drama factor, but allows them to deepen their relationship and interact more as equals. The author I think has been very careful about writing this in a way where they seem to have contributed equally to the dynamic, even though at different points one or the other has seemed more in control, so it's more or less time for Jinju to reassert herself after Doyeon's wild actions that have gone unchallenged for a while.
Yeah you worded their relationship dynamic nicely. One thing I noticed in chapter 31 is how jinju didn’t seem to want doyeon to see her rocking her hips for doyeon. Doyeon was edging jinju on purpose after they haven’t had sex for two weeks. Why? Was it to punish jinju? Control jinju? tease her? I’m kind of guessing doyeon wanted to specifically see jinju beg for her. Jinju sensed the games doyeon was playing and got irritated. I talk about this sex scene because I think we can use it to guess how jinju will respond. (I acknowledge the sex scene might just be a steamy sex scene but I did think it was interesting how it played out). Jinju will respond with something like “I don’t know if I love you yet” because jinju can’t lie and say she doesn’t. But she also seems to not want doyeon to know that she loves her a lot. In a weird way, not having doyeon being able to tell to what extent jinju likes her gives jinju some power over doyeon. No one but jinju has ever been able to arouse doyeon like this. If doyeon knew just how much jinju likes her then I think she’d be more willing to push and control jinju. If you’ve never felt this way before and you were someone like doyeon who has such a controlling self disciplined self, I think your best interest would be to lock up and keep what you like. Especially if you’re positive they’ll like you back. I actually think jinju knows doyeon the best out of all her friends and wouldn’t have a problem saying she liked doyeon back if it wasn’t for the loan sharks that keeps her very dependent on doyeon. So yeah I think jinju will say something like “give me time to think about but maybe” so it will keep doyeon hopeful but not overly confident. Lmao i might be overthinking it but what do you think?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
Jinju saying she's not sure what love is but wants to stay with Doyeon would fit her jaded older person personality, but it really feels like we're leading up to the type of pivotal mutual confession scene in these types of stories, regardless of how it's worded. I also think that post confession, whether it happens now or later, Doyeon will still largely be the dominant person/top in the relationship, just with more emphasis on that being something Jinju also chose.

My read here is that Jinju is not actually stuck with her at this point. Jinju has her church contacts (which Doyeon has even helped her maintain), she is shown to be pretty resourceful, and she is more socially skilled than Doyeon. There also has got to be enough evidence at this point that Jinju needs some type of police protection between loansharks trashing her house, the hidden camera, and the fake police officer stalking her. I don't know how it works in Korea, but I'm assuming they have protection programs like that unless this is the type of story where the crime syndicate controls the police too.

Considering this, I think the reason Jinju has stayed initially because she was hoping her husband to return, as she felt she had no one else. She was probably hoping for him to return, gave up hope and decided she might as well die, and then Doyeon intervened, at which point she probably still wanted to be near the apartment in case the husband came back. Even if she had little hope of that happening in reality, it would have been her only hope.

A logical progression would be for Jinju to realize she's ready to move on from her husband and maybe they try to live somewhere else together to make it harder for the criminals to harass them. Doyeon's desire is to be self sufficient, so her current housing situation where her sister or adoptive parents can try to use it against her is probably very frustrating to her anyway. Doyeon was thinking of entering the workforce sooner as well, probably for this reason.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 29, 2023
but, hear me out... what if she actually can't answer because they get interrupted by her husband/the loan sharks returning (i live for the drama sorry)

That's some telenovela plot right there.

Doyeon was edging jinju on purpose after they haven’t had sex for two weeks. Why? Was it to punish jinju? Control jinju? tease her? I’m kind of guessing doyeon wanted to specifically see jinju beg for her.
Couldn't it be because she felt guilty for wanting to punish Jinju? That's why she said she is a bad person.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2019
but, hear me out... what if she actually can't answer because they get interrupted by her husband/the loan sharks returning (i live for the drama sorry)
Lmao i thought the same thing just the setting makes it feel like this will happen.
Also am i the only one who is still intrigued by the fact that doyeon’s prof said that she knew jinju?? or did i imagine that?? Also i feel like the church is gonna play a part to the loansharks or the husband finding jinju (idk if i should say a setup because doyeon stated the 1st time they visited that it gave off a weird vibe, but lmao i just like to think big)
Idk just wanted to throw it out here
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
but, hear me out... what if she actually can't answer because they get interrupted by her husband/the loan sharks returning (i live for the drama sorry)
This actually sounds pretty plausible. We know they were thinking Jinju might come back and that they like to use hidden cameras, so if they showed up now it wouldn't seem forced.

Tearfully declaring their love after one of them is rescued from loan sharks/the mob/etc by the other is also a classic plot develop when organized crime and romance gets combined. Though I wonder where they would go with this story if the criminals are defeated so easily, as they're the main antagonist so far.
Group Leader
Feb 11, 2023
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
So I don’t think the l
but, hear me out... what if she actually can't answer because they get interrupted by her husband/the loan sharks returning (i live for the drama sorry)
so I doubt the loan sharks will interrupt them. I mean it would have to be some great timing on their part but for them to suddenly show up at 3am while it’s raining? If anything they would figure out doyeon is hiding jinju so they would show up at doyeons place. WHICH, would be incredible timing on doyeon and jinju for hiding in the other apartment but then the loan sharks would be arrested for breaking in someone’s place.

Now jinjus husband coming back? I think that’s more possible but like why couldn’t he wait until like 7am to come back like why 3am? Still maybe he’s in such a hurry to see jinju that it doesn’t matter the time or weather. And perhaps that may be why the loan sharks haven’t bothered them lately? Lol maybe the husband traveled to jinjus parents and was able to beg them personally to pay off the debt and they folded, paying off the debt. That would be interesting.

I still think jinju is gonna be like “mmm idk let’s talk about it later 😘” because that would keep the drama going with the uncertainty. I think the church has a role to play. It’s interesting to me that the church was like “omg doyeon Ty for helping jinju, we were going to but then you came along” like if jinju wasn’t struggling for months. They gave no support to her during those months but talk about supporting her when it’s easy.

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