Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 32 - Chapter 32

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 25, 2023
hmh... im kind of glad jinju is being honest with doyeon instead of lying to her or just trying to please her. Jinju knows doyeon has walls up and is still trying to figure her out as well. Even if she likes the oiling she still feels some what guilty about her husband. neither of them are really in a place to have a relationship too. But it is nice to see doyeon being a little selfish and finally deciding what she wants for herself. If she really wanted to abide by jinjus needs she wouldnt have "punished" her like she said in the previous chapter.

also thank you jazkin!!!! <33333
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Thinking about it more it's actually super cool how we learn in this chapter that doyeon and Jinju are so similar w how they value themselves - it was clear from the start that Jinju really didn't think of herself as like... Human even and it's cool to have it finally confirmed that doyeon views herself the same in some ways
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2019
Damn they are giving her a hell of a time just cuz she is trying to survive and now that she kinda “likes” someone, she is still having a hard time with that. Tbh if she would go all demon time( no rapey shit tho) i would totally support her ,like imagine everybody in your life is using you to gain something from it id also go insane
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
So what are the different scenarios we can expect next chapter?
1. her simply just smiling and “accepting” it
2. her getting sad/angry and jumped onto Jinju
3. She gets sad, leaves the apartment to find the guy and get together with him to try and get over Jinju

any other possible scenarios?
Group Leader
Feb 11, 2023
shiiit how is doyeon gonna react
if she just smiles and says 'haha sorry i was being silly' i can't... i'm already feeling bad enough for jinju all the time

I feel relieved, at least she got an answer. Also, thanks for translating. What a great birthday, the new episode of witch of the mercury is coming out as well
happy birthday 🎉

2. her getting sad/angry and jumped onto Jinju
nah man i don't want to add a sexual violence tag because of doyeon 💀💀💀💀

any other possible scenarios?
getting interrupted? istg that open door in the background makes me anxious (i want drama)
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
So what are the different scenarios we can expect next chapter?
1. her simply just smiling and “accepting” it
2. her getting sad/angry and jumped onto Jinju
3. She gets sad, leaves the apartment to find the guy and get together with him to try and get over Jinju

any other possible scenarios?
I’ve been wondering this too. How will doyeon react to jinju? I kind of think she’ll get more needy and have more rapey sex. Like she’ll get more aggressive and leave more marks on jinju. But I also low key think she might just start crying right then and there and we slowly see her spiral out of control leaving for her grades to suffer. Because I don’t see doyeon kicking jinju out. Will jinju try to leave then?
Active member
Apr 8, 2023
well damn, i was dying for her answer and now i’m just devastated 😭
Double-page supporter
Mar 29, 2023
So what are the different scenarios we can expect next chapter?
1. her simply just smiling and “accepting” it
2. her getting sad/angry and jumped onto Jinju
3. She gets sad, leaves the apartment to find the guy and get together with him to try and get over Jinju

any other possible scenarios?
The author has been pretty unpredictable so far (which I love), so I hope they surprise us. BUT if I had to give a few guesses on scenarios that I find possible... I would say:

- Being unrealistically optimistic:
They talk things through, Jinju asks Doyeon why she is like that and Doyeon answers honestly. Jinju confesses that even though she doesn't love Doyeon, she does kinda likes her, so they keep happily fucking until something happens. But that would be boring, so it never happens, you need the drama. As I read somewhere on another manga comment section "Yuri without drama is called oneshot".

- Being neutral:
Doyeon won't leave Jinju's side, because she promised she wouldn't leave her alone. She will keep her facade, but will be depressed AF.
Both go back to their daily routines without getting too close for a few days until something happens with the husband or the loan sharks.

- Being dramatic:
Jinju is very smart at dealing with people. She realised Sarika was probably right about Doyeon, so she is pushing Doyeon's limit to see how much she can get out of the real Doyeon. At that point I don't know what would happen next, but I find this scenario the most interesting.

- Being pessimistic:
Jinju leaves and seeks shelter at the church. I mean... she would be safer... but I don't know... I don't quite like it.

- Being super pessimistic:
That would be your scenario n°2. Doyeon loses it and forces Jinju. She already was pretty rough when she dreamed about Jinju telling her "What if I don't love you?". And then Jinju leaves. Don't like that one either. It would be a sad saaad oiling.
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Group Leader
Mar 22, 2023
It’d be interesting to know one way or another if Doyeon was born into the foster/orphanage system; my assumption is that she was which I think helps explain some of her behavior; gets told from a young age that bad kids don’t get adopted, does exactly what she’s told, is probably the nicest kid there and… doesn’t get adopted, year after year, and the older she gets the worse her chances are, is told that god loves her more than anyone yet receives none, and when she finally does get adopted, it’s pretty conspicuously as someone’s replacement and her little sister tells her to her face she wishes she was dead (considering she’s been taking Care of other kids for literally her whole life and being told that if they get into trouble it’s HER fault, this probably stings even harder). I think she desperately does want love, but because of her defense mechanisms shes developed in her life she mistakenly conflates being needed with being loved, which can be a pretty dangerous place to be and even confuses her (jinju needs her, so why does she still love(?) her husband, who isn’t even there for her?) if doing everything she’s done for jinju + finger blasting her into cosmic space dust isn’t enough to get her to love her, then where does that leave Doyeon? She’s shown her antipathy towards Jinjus MIA husband more than anyone else in the story so far which is interesting; I’d be more concerned about her hurting him if he ever shows up again than anyone else

She’s finally has something she wants and it’s not exactly panning out, but she’s squished her real wants and needs for so long that she’s turned into such a diamond of repressed gay catholic anger (relatable ngl) that she comes across as a rubber band ready to snap. It’s hard to tell if she will like, legitimately snap or not though? I don’t think she’s going to harm Jinju but I don’t think she’ll just smile it off this time either; I think she could encourage Jinju to go shelter at the church instead actually since she can’t really control herself with her, or I could be wrong and she does something bad ™️. The fact that she didn’t actually apologize for what happened in the restroom (she just explained her actions as far as I could tell) is probably the most troubling part of the situation so far (that and animals seem to know her vibes are just off some how) and the vibes are definitely off, but I think she would need to be pushed more to like. Really go off I guess

I think it’s kind of interesting Morae seems to make the distinction between someone doing something kind because they truly are kind and someone doing something kind because they’re supposed to. I don’t think it’s a distinction most people really bother to make which is why Doyeon gets along with everyone for the most part and most don’t see her as anything but super nice; does it matter why they do it if the action is kind? Doyeon unnerves her because she can tell that Doyeon just… doesn’t actually like people all that much. Her kindness isn’t completely genuine but more like an. Automated email response lol? It may have started off genuine but over time it just became like a natural defense response. I think that’s why she’s so caught off guard when Doyeon puts her foot down regarding letting Jinju stay; it’s the first time she’s probably seen her get worked up over anything, and she knows how smart and clever Doyeon is and has probably been waiting for Doyeon to ‘snap’ all these years so to speak

Morae’s behavior isn’t justified at all but I do kind of respect how incredibly blunt she is lmao. She’ll fucking let you know if she doesn’t like you. Doyeon won’t.

Okay that’s my wall of text for the week wheEZE
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
It’d be interesting to know one way or another if Doyeon was born into the foster/orphanage system; my assumption is that she was which I think helps explain some of her behavior; gets told from a young age that bad kids don’t get adopted, does exactly what she’s told, is probably the nicest kid there and… doesn’t get adopted, year after year, and the older she gets the worse her chances are, is told that god loves her more than anyone yet receives none, and when she finally does get adopted, it’s pretty conspicuously as someone’s replacement and her little sister tells her to her face she wishes she was dead (considering she’s been taking Care of other kids for literally her whole life and being told that if they get into trouble it’s HER fault, this probably stings even harder). I think she desperately does want love, but because of her defense mechanisms shes developed in her life she mistakenly conflates being needed with being loved, which can be a pretty dangerous place to be and even confuses her (jinju needs her, so why does she still love(?) her husband, who isn’t even there for her?) if doing everything she’s done for jinju + finger blasting her into cosmic space dust isn’t enough to get her to love her, then where does that leave Doyeon? She’s shown her antipathy towards Jinjus MIA husband more than anyone else in the story so far which is interesting; I’d be more concerned about her hurting him if he ever shows up again than anyone else

She’s finally has something she wants and it’s not exactly panning out, but she’s squished her real wants and needs for so long that she’s turned into such a diamond of repressed gay catholic anger (relatable ngl) that she comes across as a rubber band ready to snap. It’s hard to tell if she will like, legitimately snap or not though? I don’t think she’s going to harm Jinju but I don’t think she’ll just smile it off this time either; I think she could encourage Jinju to go shelter at the church instead actually since she can’t really control herself with her, or I could be wrong and she does something bad ™️. The fact that she didn’t actually apologize for what happened in the restroom (she just explained her actions as far as I could tell) is probably the most troubling part of the situation so far (that and animals seem to know her vibes are just off some how) and the vibes are definitely off, but I think she would need to be pushed more to like. Really go off I guess

I think it’s kind of interesting Morae seems to make the distinction between someone doing something kind because they truly are kind and someone doing something kind because they’re supposed to. I don’t think it’s a distinction most people really bother to make which is why Doyeon gets along with everyone for the most part and most don’t see her as anything but super nice; does it matter why they do it if the action is kind? Doyeon unnerves her because she can tell that Doyeon just… doesn’t actually like people all that much. Her kindness isn’t completely genuine but more like an. Automated email response lol? It may have started off genuine but over time it just became like a natural defense response. I think that’s why she’s so caught off guard when Doyeon puts her foot down regarding letting Jinju stay; it’s the first time she’s probably seen her get worked up over anything, and she knows how smart and clever Doyeon is and has probably been waiting for Doyeon to ‘snap’ all these years so to speak

Morae’s behavior isn’t justified at all but I do kind of respect how incredibly blunt she is lmao. She’ll fucking let you know if she doesn’t like you. Doyeon won’t.

Okay that’s my wall of text for the week wheEZE
You know, I feel like jinju understands that she can’t love doyeon because their relationship isn’t based on love. Rather more of a power Imbalance with jinju being totally indebted to doyeon. For jinju to actually love doyeon, they would have to be more on equal setting. But why hasn’t jinju left doyeon and seek shelter? I think because: 1. She actually does really like doyeon but she’s hesitant about getting closer because their relationship isn’t healthy/power imbalance right now 2. Maybe she’s just that nice and knows doyeon needs her (kind of doubt though cuz she’s shown to be pretty selfish). 3. Jinju is incredibly lonely and would act this way with just about anyone.

To me jinju just really is getting kind of tired of doyeons insecure nature about having to be the one needed all the time. In a way doyeon kind of knows jinju likes her (Theres like a chapter where she asks her friend why someone wouldn’t let you say “I love you” when they obviously like each other) but wants that confirmation because if she gets that confirmation then their relationship would be more official. Yet jinju isn’t giving doyeon what she wants because jinju doesn’t want the love to develop because doyeon feels needed by her, but more so because she wants it to be actually genuine. She’s always internally asking about how doyeon acts with other people. Her conclusion is that doyeon would of treated anyone in that same situation as her how she’s been getting treated. So from jinjus perspective, doyeon probably doesn’t actually love her. So why would she trap doyeon in a relationship? Honestly I might just be a little bias because I want them to be end game but whatever.

I am very curious how doyeon will react. I kind of think she will just fuck her right there to prove a point to jinju like “you say one thing but your body says another” cliche shit. I mean that’s kind of what she’s done in the past when jinju denies her. I can see jinju leaving to go shelter somewhere else. Which honestly might be healthy for both of them, just to have room to reflect. But I don’t want to believe it because my heart can’t take them being separated 😭.
Jan 16, 2023
Acho que Doyeon simplesmente se distanciará de Jinju. Não estou dizendo que ela vai expulsá-la de casa, apenas que ela terá menos interações com Jinju e não fará mais sexo com ela, já que Jinju não a ama. Dessa forma, Doyeon não verá mais motivos para ter relações íntimas com Jinju e apenas tentará se afastar para não se machucar mais.
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Double-page supporter
Mar 29, 2023
Me, after spoiling myself a bit of the next chapter:
Mar 15, 2023
- Being super pessimistic:
That would be your scenario n°2. Doyeon loses it and forces Jinju
NAHH I HOPE THAT TWITTEE PREVIEW ISNT WHAT I THINK IT IS 😭 i really really hope this doesnt happen but arghh what else would it be
May 5, 2023
So what are the different scenarios we can expect next chapter?
1. her simply just smiling and “accepting” it
2. her getting sad/angry and jumped onto Jinju
3. She gets sad, leaves the apartment to find the guy and get together with him to try and get over Jinju

any other possible sce

So what are the different scenarios we can expect next chapter?
1. her simply just smiling and “accepting” it
2. her getting sad/angry and jumped onto Jinju
3. She gets sad, leaves the apartment to find the guy and get together with him to try and get over Jinju

any other possible scenarios?
Judging from Doyeon's character, id say she pauses for a moment, looks at Jinju in the eyes then looks down and says "is that so?" (it'd break my heart ;-;)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Judging from Doyeon's character, id say she pauses for a moment, looks at Jinju in the eyes then looks down and says "is that so?" (it'd break my heart ;-;)
From the preview that the author posted on twitter, I Can tell its gonna be another hot chapter🤣🤣🤣
Active member
May 5, 2023
The more i read it, the more im fascinated by Doyeon, like what kind of childhood trauma will make person like her? What els is she hiding from us! I need to know!!!! TAT. did she do something that even an living animal reject her.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020
She’s being honest, if she doesn’t like her or does not like her enough to call it « relationship » then she’s have the right to say it that’s all. It’s not because someone says that they « like you » doesn’t mean that you should like them back or even saying that you « like them » back just because it would’ve hurt them. (You should consider your feelings first)

And her big « sister » is probably right because « people that always smile are sometimes (more)dangerous /scarier than you own self » Smile does not mean you’re nice unfortunately 🫠 it probably means enjoying something and since we never truly understood Dayeon’s feelings we can’t really see if she’s « enjoying » being nice or even « enjoying » people that says that she’s nice.
[I don’t even know what i just wrote i was really tired when i wrote it…
If someone understand this i’ll congrat them]
this dumb idea that there canng be only people with faces as if they eat shit and shity personalityies bexause WAY? just becanee some people actualy SMILE?? wtf???
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
this dumb idea that there canng be only people with faces as if they eat shit and shity personalityies bexause WAY? just becanee some people actualy SMILE?? wtf???
Why can't you spell words correctly ?
Bruh I got a headache just by reading your comment. Can't you just write it again?

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