Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 34 - Chapter 34

Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2019
I agree except Doyeon wasn't insane in this chapter. She was wild last chapter but this one she calmed down, realized the mistake and apologized. What did she do that was insane or bad in this chapter?

The sister is a whole different level of irritating but it's not surprising.
You’re right, Doyeon didn’t do anything insane or wrong this chapter i had just read ch 33 too so that’s why but honestly whether talking about this chapter or previous ones I think it’s pretty clear that Doyeon isn’t in the best state of mind in general.

She constantly takes out her frustration on Jinju through sex which is unfair and I don’t think it’s something that can be simply excused by saying “my bad, i’m sorry”. Just on the previous chapter Jinju said “stop please” multiple times, did Doyeon listen or stop? no. It’s fucked up but I guess that’s the theme of the story.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2023
I kind of hope someone gets hurt just so Doyeon can call up Morae's parents and they can hit her with the "your brother would've been disappointed in you" and disown her or something. Or Jinju goes to the press with the headline "minister candidate's daughter sics loan sharks on hapless woman" and really drag Morae.

I just need her to understand some actions have worse consequences than others. Also I need her to get isekai'd by truck-kun but that's too harsh.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 8, 2018
Man, ughhh.
About Jinju...So her husband wasn't a bad person that spent their money in gambles and stuff, they were just poor and he wanted to help his friend... in the end he ran away, leaving her to deal with things.
I kinda understand Jinju's thoughts. After what she did go through, she fears and know love can't solve everything. Doyeon is a good person with mysterious sides but too young to realize that in her pursuit to Jinju she ends up hurting her, because Jinju right now is a auto destructive person in a way, and Doyeon...well...Her need and lack experience turns her blind for some behaviours Jinju shows. Like Jinju saying she can use her and Doyeon accepting it and going too far (physically and emotionally).
Either way, those two fascinates me and I can't wait to know more about their background stories and of course what is going to happen after that fucked up sister
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
Interesting chapter, could see doyeon was going to have to be nice to jinju after what she did. But we see now that doyeon is capable of feeling guilty 😂.

The first scene we see in this chapter is jinju having a flashback of the happy moments In her marriage. It wasn’t all bad, even if the relationship was hard. But we also see jinjus husband is selfless, always doing stuff for others, veryyyyyyu similar to doyeon. Which we know in earlier chapters there was foreshadowing with jinju saying doyeon looks similar to her husband. Apparently doyeon also has similar personalities as well.

Then we’re brought to the present moment with jinju breaking down in front of doyeon. It wasn’t just the pain she was crying about but we also see jinju grieve about her relationship with her husband. Why is she grieving? Maybe because she may recognize that she can’t go back to that relationship anymore. Even if he does come back it’ll never be the same. She is losing a 20 year marriage, she’s been abandoned from him.

Doyeon is admitting it’s her fault, as she always does when a situation gets bad. But jinju was going to cry no matter what. She’s grieving about her relationship, but she also holds a lot of guilt for what’s happening which is why I think she’s internally thinking doyeon should have been rougher with her.

What I love about the next thing jinju says (which I feel like a lot of people would think I’m overthinking it) “I want to go home” hinting at going to doyeons place. Lol so she doesn’t consider her own home a home anymore but instead living with doyeon is her home now.

Then she says doyeon is similar to her husband with her unnecessary kindness. But I think this is where jinju kind of misunderstands doyeon. Doyeon sure is pretty selfless but this is because she’s never really had anything she’s wanted to fight for. Until now. She’s willing to fight for jinju more than I think jinju has yet to realize. Since we see doyeon put her foot down when it comes to jinju in front of other people. We just don’t know to what extent she’s willing to go for jinju but hey that may be highlighted in the next couple of chapters lol.

Now we get a flashback to earlier in their relationship. Notice jinjus Jaír length. I low key wouldn’t be surprised if her hair length was a symbol for her self worth. The relationship is still young and happy, jinju feels like love can conquer all.

Now a lot of people will think her husband was a nice guy based on how appeasing he comes across. This is an abusive relationship in my eyes because he is keeping all the finance away from her. I’m speculating she doesn’t handle the finance. He’s making decisions without her knowing about it. When she disapproves he brushed it off. He doesn’t even really consider her opinion on the matter so how much of a relationship is that? It’s almost like she’s more of a pet than anything else. He also isn’t really prioritizing her, it’s like she’s an afterthought in what he does.

Then he tells her to stay home when jinju is trying to help out. It’s like saying “don’t worry, you shouldn’t do anything, I’ll fix it all” which is like not trusting jinju to take care of it. Not letting her made the decision to get them out of it but literally holding jinju back from working and improving herself in a way. Like getting a part time builds a routine, keeps you busy, let’s you see people, make you feel useful. No, he just takes that away from her. But jinju doesn’t really fight back either? It’s like she got used to just following what he wanted. Then right after all of that they say they love each other lol. This has been jinjus understanding of what love is. But jinju goes on to say she doesn’t blame anyone for the situation which I think is kind of sweet of her but also does she not get upset? We haven’t ever seen her get upset with her husband yet, almost as if she doesn’t have the passion to be upset at him or the energy.

When jinju talks about doyeons eyes screaming they love her, this is jinju admitting that she’s known for a while how doyeon has felt. (Side note: I find it so cute how doyeon holds jinju here. Like jinjus husband never has been shown to hold her like that lol. They’re okay with sleeping like that even after what happened. Almost feels like “don’t worry we’re still in this relationship for the long haul”) jinju then makes the statement that doyeons love feels overwhelming. Yes because jinju doesn’t even love herself so how can someone like doyeon with so much potential ever love someone like jinju? Being reminded that someone like that loves jinju for all her flaws makes jinju feel uncomfortable because she’s never received love like that and doesn’t think she deserves it.

Then she makes the statement about feeling sorry but then we don’t find out the next thing she’s about to say. So I read this as jinju not being able to admit that she likes doyeon to even herself. She can’t show her true emotions because honestly she’s not ready for the relationship yet.

Then she says love isn’t enough. That you can’t live on love alone. But what is love? I define love as doing what’s right for someone or us even when it’s hard. We know what’s right deep down. What jinju had wasn’t love but a codependent relationship that ended with the husband leaving after he realized he couldn’t pay off the debts.

We see in this scene jinju finds doyeon to be idealistic about love. That she thinks love can conquer anything if you put your mind to it. So jinju hopes that doyeon never realizes that there’s more in a relationship than just “love”. And jinju is scared that if doyeon realizes that then doyeon will leave jinju i think. So she hopes doyeon never realizes it because jinju doesn’t want to leave. Jinju likes staying there but believes once doyeon realizes love alone can’t keep them together then doyeon will leave.

Im sorry but what jinju and her husband had wasn’t love. Morae talked about a monster that lurks and is super nice or whatever. I think she could of been talking about the husband? He spent 20 years keeping jinju in the house not doing much then just leaves her. She doesn’t know how to get a job, has no relationship with anyone else. Like is that really love?

Idk I’ll probably add more/change my mind once I take a day or two to think it over
Active member
Apr 16, 2023
Jinju is afraid of being in a mutual love again. She went through a lot, that even love can’t help it. Their age gap is huge, and there are lots of problems unsolved. She knows it won’t be a healthy relationship, at her age it is too risky to experience another fall in relationship. Especially when Doyeon is so similar to her husband.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2023
Doyeon: "oh haha it's all good just say it to me beforehand next time Morae ^^"
That's only if Doyeon herself gets hurt. If Jinju gets hurt, especially if it's bad, Doyeon might just snap (which I'm very much looking forward to).

Btw, thank you for the update
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
WAAAITT, if the sex scene last chapter was intended for the follow-up in this one — see: Jinju connecting the dots between Doyeon and her husband — then I retract my statement on it being unnecessary 🤭 In terms of pacing, it absolutely did throw a wrench in the works, but this was a very, very interesting play on cyclical structure. Touché!

A lotta Jinju’s husband haters in the club tonight, I see 😭 I don’t have an opinion on him as of yet; I don’t think he’s an intentionally malicious figure. From what it seems, he’s exactly the opposite of this and precisely why Jinju must’ve been in love with him — his naïveté and the tender way he looks for the best in everyone is very different from the approach Jinju takes with her life. She’s a pessimist — rather, a realist, who remains cautious and guarded irregardless of how kind she’s treated.

This doesn’t seem to be a byproduct of her husband’s abandonment, I’d say that it roots from witnessing her own parents’ loveless marriage and furthered by how easily her own blood cut ties with her. She left when she was young. Had the balls to look her mother in the eyes and tell her that, unlike her, at least she’d be happy.

A popular trope in media, especially works that revolve around age gaps, is that characters who are emotionally distant or constipated tend to be defrosted by their foils. The character sees in their foil values that appeal to them. Values that they, for whatever reason, are unable to apply to their own self.

Jinju’s attraction to Doyeon is…I wouldn’t say it’s because Doyeon reminds her of her husband. Jinju absolutely did love her husband at some point, but, I firmly believe that Jinju’s attraction to Doyeon started when she realized that Doyeon isn’t the Perfect Good Girl she thought she was. Doyeon no longer became an ideal. She was humanized, she became — for a lack of a better term — obtainable. In reach.

I think that while Doyeon’s similarities to Jinju’s husband definitely do play a part in why Jinju gravitates towards her, I don’t think it’s the main reason 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Doyeon and Jinju’s husband are fundamentally different people too, likeee, Doyeon comes off to me as simply resigned to the role given to her, the key word here being role, whereas Jinju’s husband is genuinely just a dumbass with a good heart.

There’s a certain passion in the way he defends his reasons for lending that whopping sum to his friend. He’s justifying himself, not explaining. “I thought he’d hang himself, I was worried, you see…” Even though he knows what he did was stupid, he doesn’t regret it because he genuinely feels like he did the right thing by helping a friend in need.

Doyeon, like Morae suggests, isn’t exactly a very honest person. She has a dark past of her own, and seems pretty against dragging the skeletons out the closet. She is kind and willing to help others, but there is a limit to this. Jinju is, ironically, usually the victim to the impulsive, obsessive side Doyeon has probably been attempting to repress.

But what’s romance without the person you love pulling emotions out of you involuntarily, amirite? GIGGLES!

Aah, I think Doyeon’s speech to Gunwoo best highlights the differences. Doyeon doesn’t want to need the person she loves because that makes it easier for her to detach + makes it so that she’s the one in power; which is, well, something she hasn’t felt in all these chapters. Not wholly. Jinju makes her weak and “not herself” — and she knows this. She wants it to end.

Jinju’s husband tells her to not worry, to just sit tight, he’ll take care of everything, etc. He doesn’t need or want her to be dependent on him, he suggests that she does because he loves her.

Where Doyeon wants Jinju to need her because it’ll flip their dynamics and reinforce an idea that she’s been chasing after — “Jinju loves me” — Jinju’s husband merely wants her to be comfortable and not fret.

Didn’t work out very well though, now did it? HELPPP!!! Man, I’m subtracting dilf points from him…this is saur sad
Double-page supporter
Mar 20, 2023
We go from bad to worse. I always thought Morae was a bitch, but she's definitely going overboard by endangering both Jinju (who doesn't care but is still an innocent human being from those debts) and HER SISTER. She wants to accept it or not, Doyeon is her sister and she always treated her with kindness, and although I assume that at first it was out of commitment, she really does feel affection for Morae. I hope she ends very badly from all this, she deserves it.

And I don't have many comments about Jinju, I mean, she lived a long and boring marriage and where she depended on her husband for everything because she wouldn't even let him work or manage finances. That's pretty common in relationships from the last century (and there are still some like it) so it doesn't surprise me.

On the other hand, I don't consider Doyeon to resemble Jinju's husband, at least not in personality.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2023
I was rereading the chapter and just - some shots that pop up between the husband's speech bubbles have me wondering a bit:

Who is this couple? Is that Jintae and his wife? Because that sure isn't the husband and Jinju. So is Jintae lying about not having a wife and the 10M was spent on a wedding instead of his business?

And who are these people? Is that shop supposed to be Jintae's? Or is it connected to the wedding pic as some kind of bachelor's party? Is the guy in the long coat supposed to be Jintae? Are those the loan sharks when they were younger? Or are these just some random guys put in the middle of the story?

They're pretty insignificant observations, but they intrigue me nonetheless. Either the husband is ignorant/has been duped and doesn't look enough into who he's lending large sums of money to, or he DOES know and is willfully lying to his wife about the reason why he's lending money in the first place.

This series has me hooked I am so sorry if I post more.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2023
I thought so too but if you also look the panel after that, it’s just the tv
Oof, I severely misread(?) that haha
i think that is Kang Chanyang(?)
I think they are but it’s just my theory
So is it a flash forward or has the husband been accumulating debt even before his workplace went under? Hmm...interesting.
Group Leader
Feb 11, 2023
So is it a flash forward or has the husband been accumulating debt even before his workplace went under?
I think (but i could be wrong) that panel is just chanyang recalling the moment when he lent money to jintae and another friend of his was also there... who will (both) later become the loan sharks? but it's just my opinion though. I can't really see jinju's husband getting "involved with a criminal gang" in any other way... also during jinju's panick attack in chapter 8 she recalls a man smoking, so if she knows them... they could be friends of her husband? or maybe she just knows them because they've been harassing them for so long... idk i have this theory since the guy answering to morae and the one with an arm around chanyang in that panel (and the one in jinju's panick attack too) have the same hair hahaha
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Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
The misogyny, I swear...
The sister is bad news, but the husband- who literally caused this whole situation in the first place "isn't a bad guy". Do some of ya hear yourselves? He literally gambled away THEIR money to some rando and then gaslighted his wife into remaining financially dependent on him, only for him to abandon her to loan sharks who could have raped, murdered, trafficked, etc her- all for his bad actions.
Oh, dear 😭 No, I definitely agree with you on the fact that all the Morae slander is needlessly vicious— I really quite like her in spite of her role as antagonist! I feel like she’s a character that can be empathized with.

However, you shitting on Jinju’s husband with the justification that he left her in a terrible spot where she could’ve gotten killed, raped, or trafficked…while also defending Morae, who is literally calling those same debt collectors to where Jinju is, is 😭 A bit hypocritical, no? Morae is also inviting those very events to occur.

Also, I recall Jinju’s husband saying that the collectors won’t come for her. Which, once again, characterizes him as someone very gullible; and that adds a bit of salve to the wound he’s left behind, because it isn’t as if he knew he was throwing her to the sharks. That wasn’t his intention.

Jinju’s husband is, unlike Morae, characterized as sweet and sincere. It’s why Jinju can’t throw away all the fondness she felt for him. He isn’t a perfect person by any means, but the reason why he gets more slack compared to Morae — if you can even say that, I mean, everyone here seems pretty against him — is because he isn’t catty and prone to raising his hand.

Of course, it isn’t fair to expect Morae to play nice, but people aren’t expecting her to be just because she’s a woman, but because she’s putting Jinju in danger 😭 She and Jinju’s husband are vastly different in terms of personality, as well 😭 This isn’t misogyny and we shouldn’t use serious problems like that to further our own argument, you know?

No hate to you, cuz I was getting sick and tired of all the passionate Morae slander myself, but I feel like people have good reason to look at Jinju’s husband and judge him as a stupid asshole at worst, and a misguided philanthropist at best. Especially since his naivety is framed as a problem for Jinju, but something she still loved him for because his blind faith in others was endearing.

Morae is completely self-aware when she confronted Jinju. She knows what she’s doing by calling the collectors, too. If threats won’t work with her, then she’ll readily escalate the situation. That makes her a compelling villain, yeah? That very awareness is what makes her so hard to defend rn HAGSH:$:$ 😭 She’s not looking out for anyone when she does this. The commenter you @‘ed only meant that Jinju’s husband isn’t bad in the sense that it wasn’t as if he was throwing away money for materialistic gain, he meant well when he gave money to his friend. He wanted to help — HE was looking out for someone 🫡
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 29, 2023
Right? He is extremely toxic and im so confused as to why the comments are hard on the sister (who is literally the only one moving the plot along) when the husband was the one who LITERALLY got jinju into this mess!!!
I'm not saying he is bad, on the contrary, for all we know he is too good hearted for his sake. To be fair, even though it annoys me, I can understand him being that stupidly naive when lending the money because of the fear of his friend killing himself. But to me, discouraging your partner from having an honest work is a big no no, no mather the financial status you are in or your good intentions. That being said, Jinju was at fault too for following his advice. Good thing my mom kept working when my dad suggested the same when they were young. Now she has a decent retirement money to support my dad who is having a hard time. You never know what future might bring.
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2023
At no point did I defend Morae or imply that what she is doing isn't wrong. I'm calling out the hypocrisy of people in the comments calling for the sister to get hit by a tuck, or violently hurt in some shape or form, whilst having no smoke for the husband at best- or at worst- coddling his grown man actions with "he is just naive". I swear people will defend a man's heinous actions if he pretends to be unaware of what he is doing, aka weaponized incompetence. At the same time, people will defend the heinous actions of a man if he is self-aware, because "at least he is being honest". That same mindset isn't extended to female characters, no matter if the story frames their actions as right or wrong. Compelling female villains are treated with vitriol whilst male villains aren't. How is that not misogyny? And that's ignoring the people calling her slurs like bitch. Also, you state that I'm "using" misogyny "to further my argument" (whatever that means) isn't cute. If I see misogyny, I will call it out.

You reasoning that Jinju's husband's actions are morally grey, in comparison to Morae's, because he put the supposed financial wellbeing of some, literal, random male, over a woman he's been married to for at least a decade- who gave up the security net of her parents and wealth that came with them, to be with him, only for him to abandon her when times get rough (due to his own actions) leaving her to be taken care of by a borderline rapist and her villainous sister, makes him come off more degenerate than Morae. (especially since his actions are being justified as "he just didn't know any better")

And "catty"? When was Morae ever "catty"? I'm sorry, but I dislike that term being used toward female characters who dare be anything, but nice. The funny thing is, Moare is literally a kid compared to Jinju's husband (I believe Doyeon is older than her) yet he's the one who gets coddled because he comes off as "sincere". (in fucking over his wife lmao, he was looking out for every (male it seems) but his wife)

I’m going to assume that you’re a woman, or AFAB; I’m a woman myself, and one of color no less, so I know very well how the patriarchy, and in turn misogyny, is skewed, lol. The reason why I’m telling you to not use misogyny to support the idea that people hating on Morae is because…misogyny isn’t hating a character that happens to be female. Saying shit like that only takes away from real misogyny? 😭😭😭 Of course people are gonna hate Morae — because she’s a VILLAIN! Not because she’s a woman!

The people in this thread hate Gunwoo. I literally went into the comments of the chapter where he was floating around Doyeon expecting at least one (1) comment laughing at his singlemindedness but no, everyone talking about him was either calling him pathetic or telling him to fuck off.

You can check for yourself.

Jinju’s husband receives no less name calling than Morae? 😭 Just go back a few pages in the comments, lit rally everyone is on his ass! Not one person can tell you that they like him as a character, I literally preface in my own comment that I am unable to form an opinion on him because I don’t like him enough to dickride, LMFAOOOOO.

Morae is absolutely catty. She’s spiteful; her brother’s death left an inedible mark on her heart and she lashes out at Doyeon even when approached gently as a result. A woman can be catty without it holding negative connotation, I’m starting to believe you just want a reason to be mad because if there is one word that Morae fits down to a T, it’s catty 😭 She is literally calling the debt collectors right now, even though there is no real reason for her to kick Jinju out of Doyeon’s house (which Doyeon has discussed with her prior), just because she hates Doyeon.

Doyeon, to Morae, replaced her brother. She took away her brother’s memory by becoming apart of her family and taking on the role of “older sibling” — It is now Morae’s turn to take away something of Doyeon’s. As much as she might argue that she is looking out for her family, it’s already been established by Doyeon that harboring Jinju isn’t a crime, first of all, and secondly, would only add honor to the family name.

Morae doesn’t care.

She’s great! Gunwoo calls out to her and she tells him, very curtly, to get the fuck out. Deserved, by the way, I’d be pissed too if I was called out of class to take care of the wet dog equivalent of a grown man, but this also is an example of Morae being catty — “deliberately hurtful in one’s remarks.”

She slaps Jinju, slaps Doyeon, throws shit at her if the paper cut Doyeon received is anything to go by. She is always on the ready to fight. You wouldn’t say that her threatening both Jinju and Doyeon is catty? HELPPP MEEEE!!!! What would you prefer I call her? Rude? C’mon.

Her intellect and cunning is what differentiates her from Jinju’s husband, who is unwise and dimwitted. The story portrays Jinju’s husband as sincere — Jinju, his wife for, as you state yourself, over a decade, calls him sincere.

He is sincere. You can’t argue with the story’s narrative, lmfaoooo 😭

If you wanna argue misogyny so bad, don’t you think that it’s great that all the prominent men (Gunwoo, Jinju’s husband, even the debt collectors) in this manhwa are stupid and the women are constantly outsmarting them? Doyeon sniffs out the undercover collector quickly, Morae is full of wits, and Jinju takes advantage of the knowledge her years has earned her.

What can the men boast? Lmfaooooo.

This is an insane thing to argue about. People are calling Jinju’s husband an asshole, too, you are not the only one, babe.

Morae isn’t hated because she’s a woman. She’s hated because she’s vindictive and ready to throw people under the bus for her own gain. Jinju’s husband, as per the narrative, is literally just a guy.

Not a villain, not a hero, not anything more than an explanation for Jinju’s backstory.

It makes sense for people to find Morae more wicked when she is…quite literally, the story’s villain alongside the debt collectors. It’s really fucking ironic, wouldn’t you say, that she’s helping them out in this chapter? Yay teamwork! The collectors literally couldn’t get a hold of Jinju despite trying for so long without the help of a woman. YAYYYY FEMINISM!

I’m being sarcastic btw, if it wasn’t obvious enough.

“Ok then why aren’t people telling Jinju’s husband to die?”

I personally hope he’s 7ft under the Han river by now. Would add a kick to the story. Does that balance things out for you?

Jokes aside, yeah, I see your point on that. When men are villains, they are offered the princess treatment, but when women are, they’re irredeemable…except that doesn’t apply here. When people say that Jinju’s husband is naive, they’re literally only pointing out what the story is telling you.

We don’t know much about him except for these traits. That he is weak, kind, and Jinju loved him for being so soft in a world that has only ever been painful for her.

Jinju chose to be with him. He didn’t leave without telling her that he’s going to leave; what hurts Jinju is that she wasn’t flat out abandoned, but left in waiting.

He is not depicted as the story’s villain. Morally, he may as well be, but narratively? No. Morae on the other hand…do you see where I’m going?

Noooobooodyy who goes here loves any of the men. It’s a GL. That’s why we’re here! For the women! Trusttt, nobody defending Jinju’s husband is doing it because “he’s my pookie bear snuggle muffin 🥺“

People wishing Morae gets physically incapacitated is precisely so that she can’t fuck shit up 😭 She’s actually apart of the story, after all. Why would people wish death on Jinju’s husband when he’s already out the picture? Whoops.
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