It's been ongoing all along and all... it just wasn't animated very far, and the scanlation ceased for a long time due to circumstances. Mostly getting picked up for official translation. Which then ended up having the first publisher go defunct, while the second to pick it up just ended up cancelling it anyway, so people picked up the scanlation from the volume that was not going to get officially translated by anyone anyway.
Someone does seem to have finally just straight up uploaded the official volumes that were probably printed by the defunct company somewhere or other. They have an upload date from two months or so ago on KissManga, no idea where they grabbed them from.
Now, MangaDex has been allowing "ex-licenses" uploads here lately which would arguably apply to the print releases of the defunct company on its own but the publisher that only cancelled the series might still have the license for the time being, so if you wanna read within that gap go pick an aggregator you don't hate to the point you can't even use it and see if they have this up there. I already named one that does for sure, but linking to it would be a problem though as I recall so navigate on your own initiative if that's what you want.
You could also just buy the digital releases for 1-8 from Viz if you want 'em even knowing that you'll have to rely on sites like this for volume 9 and up. Physical releases are probably still floating around out there too. Whatever floats your boats.