Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - Ch. 53 - Playing in the Snow

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 11, 2023
Miss Djinn has been successfully reformed, and we have acquired a whaddyacallit in a maid(?) outfit. Double prize.
Aggregator gang
Apr 5, 2024
Reading that first page, I cackled out loud. Good stuff. I'm glad that this did not wind up as a knock-down-drag-out fight. I mean I expected it, was anticipating it, but for Flio and Rys to turn Valentine through sledding and a snowball fight? Still Valentine's turn does make some sense. She's obviously lived a long time, but not had much life experiences. When she was holed up in the mansion, she gave off the impression of just being bored. That she's literally fallen in with this manga's version of Team Rocket likely means she's going to be kept nerfed for the near future?
Jan 21, 2018
Too bad lady, no OneeShota for you. The little boys are wise to her provocations. Almost as if they knew what a molester is... :thonk:

Seemingly evil sexy character converted into switching sides by the sheer power of honest-to-goodness good food and child-friendly, wholesome fun? Didn't think it would be so easy, but it's nice and I welcome it instead of another battle for once.

Right, I had forgotten that there were also angels in this universe. Didn't know what I'd expect walking into this chapter, but a high ranking demon general and a high ranking angel bumping into each other like high school rivals rather than mortal enemies wasn't it. That was actually amusing. I feel tempted to ship them

Also blondie hero and his loyal gf saving Valentine was totally unexpected too. Would be funny if Tanyalite somehow also ends up joining that crew so they can bicker every time over petty things. Although seeing the flow of things she might be with Flio's group for now.
Sep 2, 2023
He was good to begin with?
maybe the title of hero on his stats gone to his head cuz at the beginning he was annoying staying behind troops and when the attack wasn't good for him he was first to run,now i'm starting to think something good about him,i hope he gets better
Double-page supporter
Aug 11, 2020
Wynne is riot and we love her for that.
Didn't expect that celestial emissary girl to be knocked out that easily
Valentine is cute
Jul 1, 2024
Blondie has always seemed spoiled & arrogant but not outright malicious to me. not necessarily bad but he's got some things to unlearn.
The Blonde Hero party's adventures are one of my favorite elements of the novel later on. He has his own thing going, with a bunch of other misfits, trying to find their place, and be a bit better today, than they were yesterday. They even do some hero'ing on accident.
^^ this sounds like the exact same way I would want them to be written, I'm very excited to be able to see it!

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