Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@StinkyPoopy123 Pretty fair assessment, except for the harem bit. Pretty sure only the knight girl was partially into him, but now she's with the demon king. Only thing I'd say that makes this a 6 or a 7 instead of a 5 for me is that they don't pussy foot around with the romance. Better than dealing with the ones where they are nutting from holding hands. I do agree it's pretty weak shit though. A lot of the side character pairings seem pretty slapped together so it's pretty meh overall. I think each couple has a few cute/chuckle worthy scenes but that's about it. It's the type on manga that you turn off your brain to enjoy. Nothing wrong with it but it's just ight.
Aug 6, 2020
I just love this manga. A million thanks to the one who wrote this manga, it's truly a masterpiece. Keep up the good work👍
Active member
Sep 21, 2020
I think this is ok. The plot is moving at a good enough pace thats its not a big problem but the fact that there are no stakes as he can just rewind time if anyone he cares about dies and has every magic power as long as the plot needs him to have it is definitely going to hamper any long term enjoyment. It feels pretty standard all over without anything super interesting to pull attention towards it. I'll probably keep reading it as it updates as I don't have much else todo lol

also their relationship sucks I can't imagine what each character sees in the other, MC is stock isekai bland nice guy who will kill u if u fuck with his allies/team/friends/whatever. Demon lady is basically, 'are u hitting on my husband' and 'omg i love my husband' gags alternating. i think its a 5 or 6 tbh
Nov 9, 2019
imo, this is an S-tier OP MC Isekai. It playfully but believably subverts genre cliches, it has a good pace to it, and the MC is written very well. He responds believably to the environment he's put into, he's not vindictive but neither is he a wet blanket. He just wants to live his life peacefully with his waifu. The only downside imo is that the antagonists come across as cartoonishly villainous some times. Not in that they do super crazy evil things all the time (genocide, sexual violence) but that they keep on doing the bad things.

Light hearted OP Peace-ekai with good writing, probably my favorite manga in this genre out there.
Jun 27, 2020
Certainly one of the better isekai manga out there. It's just good in everything with nice pacing, good art and a good plot. I also like the fact that the main character and Risu love each other and they don't have other love interests or a harem. i also like the good relationship they have with other characters. One of the main reasons that I don't read isekai a lot is because of the amount of harems and multiple love interests who I utterly despise. I really love this manga.
Double-page supporter
Aug 30, 2020
Commenting for bookmarking at Chapter 19, & for recommending this manga. I'm liking & at peace with this one due to the monogamous & non-Harem content, which is rampant in today's Isekai works. It's not the main issue/plot (OR IS IT?), but it's clear & profound enough that it's what I'm positively affected by as I read this work. Reading too much Harem (or the reverse of it) can actually make you frosty cold inside & under IRL, especially when you're already single-mingle-available lolol, so I welcome the difference in this one warmly. The honest & naturally-building romance in this work is actually pretty admirable, if you look past some points, & it'll surely warm your lonely heart.

In that regard, this manga & Isekai de Tochi o Katte Noujou o Tsukurou both have the same calm-love-plus-conquering-the world-one-relaxed-step-at-a-time-&-it's-fun vibe, they're pretty much fraternal twins. I recommend both mangas as your afternoon tea break or when you need to feel easy fluff again haha.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
I'm just here for Risu. Everything else in this manga is pretty bland but she's a great waifu.
Apr 16, 2020
This is good. Fulio or Banaza has a clear standing on where he's placed in the war between the demons and humans. Not being naive for the sake of cheap laughs or the forced harem element of every isekai every is a good thing I'd appreciate every fucking day. And Risu is just the best fucking waifu.
Double-page supporter
Nov 3, 2020
I regret reading this. Although it was kinda trashy, I still want more...
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
Reminds me of the guy who fished out a mermaid named Platy and there was also a demon king and his woman that stayed with the MC.... Quite similar in that regard.
Anyways good read and thanks for the upload!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2019
No harem which is ok, but I at least wanted blossom to marry him too. Because tanned muscular tomboys make me go ugg smash.
Jun 5, 2018
Actually really enjoy this, but the weird demon lord/knight relationship is starting to get just plain creepy to me. It's starting to seem like the author thinks if you harass someone long enough they'll fall for you. o_O I hope I'm just reading this situation wrong.
Jun 29, 2019
This isekai may be pretty tropey but it’s actually a cut above the average dumpster fire tbh. I quite enjoy it.
Mar 20, 2019
@Scynix Yeah you are def reading it wrong, he fancies her while she is clearly flustered and feel happy every time she is told he's fond of her. They literally display mutual affection every time they encounter each other.

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