Gotta love Mikan trying to go big sister mode and being sassy with Shamiko. The poor goat is totally jealous and feels left out of the loop. I should commend her for not wanting to take the easy route via dream espionage to find out more about Momo like she did last time. Not that it would work, because Momo's defenses are impregnable. She would just scold Shamiko again.
Is there a reason why the curse seems to auto-target Momo most of the time? lol
Also seriously... Shamiko already makes Momo 3 meals a day. Talk about full housewife mode.
I'm sure Ito had fun making the trio do what's basically the same as drawing manga for a bit.
It's like Momo said, bugs will just come back to such a rundown place. There is no way to deal with them long term by capturing and releasing. So Momo just makes barriers that keep them repelled for a while and uses it as training for Shamiko's horrible mana quality at the same time.
Actually you'd expect Metako to do his job as pest control. Michael still seems to be pretty sapient, but Metako is 99% cat.