T Thunderlord2300 Joined Aug 9, 2018 Messages 47 Nov 23, 2018 #2 i was wondering why is no one finishing this this. i really injoyed this. =(
Myllari123 Fed-Kun's army Joined Feb 12, 2019 Messages 581 Feb 14, 2019 #3 Why is this the last english chapter?
M MirrorrorriM Joined Oct 16, 2018 Messages 11 Feb 15, 2019 #4 Yeah, would be lovely if someone could pick this up again to finish it at the very least.
Wolfblade Joined Feb 13, 2018 Messages 67 Apr 21, 2019 #5 completed? more like cliffhanger! Edit: I had to go to Manga Rock. Sorry guys but if I can't read it here i will find it somewhere else.
completed? more like cliffhanger! Edit: I had to go to Manga Rock. Sorry guys but if I can't read it here i will find it somewhere else.