Made in Abyss

Nov 21, 2020
The story progression is nonexistant at this point, we have one chapter after another of author pandering to his torture fetish that contributes nothing to the Abyss mystery, main characters development or Lyza's quest. What a pity, I used to like this manga a lot.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
The delay between updates has been so big that you dont even notice how fucking boring this has become
Its like half a year since last chapter so you dont even remember whats happening anymore
Oct 26, 2019
i mean, ok, this is taking a bit, but it's the first time the abyss harbors a city and a society.
we had the city above, the settlement of rozen and now this.
of course it will take a bit to show how the distorted created a new society and how the rules of the abyss made this place exist, and of couse it didn't simply gow out of nowhere, it needed to have a background and the explanation for it was really cool and made in abyss like, with the stones and the polluted water and everything.
now we are seeing faputa as a manifestation of humans and abyss powers, and the conclusion of a whole city and probably the death of a level master.
after this there is the big finale with the golden city, you really think the author is going to end everything fast? when you create a world you want to reach the end as fast as you can to show the depth of your creativity, but when you actually reach it you try to make it last as long as possible, you try to perfect it and to explore everything, you simply whant to do everything in a good way. i think anyone that ever wrote anything and showed it to others can understand these feelings
Aug 9, 2020
Alright I'll say it. The vol 6-10 has made the Abyss feel small. We've been in this damn 6th layer now for so long, it's over shadowed everything else. I feel no sense of exploration, just this small "city."

I really liked Faputa and Vueko, but I'm just so tired of this story, I want to move on to the next layer already. Or at least see more of this one. I want to know more about what the implications of the praying skeletons every 2000 years mean.

Come on already
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2020
The amount of blatant fetish content involving young characters in this manga is absurd. This manga would've been a masterpiece if it were not for the fetish and pedo shit, which both didtract the focus from the story telling and world building and gross out anyone who can be trusted around children. Like, there are moments when the narrative screeches to a halt for a few panels just to incorporate scenes that are very clearly just the authors fetishes. The gore and violence, they serve the purpose of raising the stakes and disturbing the audience (while not crossing the line over to being self indulgent and gratuitous), but the obvious fetish scenes do not do any of that. They're selfish serving, indulgent, unnecessary and goss in a way that the narrative doesn't treat them.
Feb 22, 2023
The amount of blatant fetish content involving young characters in this manga is absurd. This manga would've been a masterpiece if it were not for the fetish and pedo shit, which both didtract the focus from the story telling and world building and gross out anyone who can be trusted around children. Like, there are moments when the narrative screeches to a halt for a few panels just to incorporate scenes that are very clearly just the authors fetishes. The gore and violence, they serve the purpose of raising the stakes and disturbing the audience (while not crossing the line over to being self indulgent and gratuitous), but the obvious fetish scenes do not do any of that. They're selfish serving, indulgent, unnecessary and goss in a way that the narrative doesn't treat them.
Then Fuck Off Normal Fag. Where's your masterpiece?
Feb 25, 2023
The amount of blatant fetish content involving young characters in this manga is absurd. This manga would've been a masterpiece if it were not for the fetish and pedo shit, which both didtract the focus from the story telling and world building and gross out anyone who can be trusted around children. Like, there are moments when the narrative screeches to a halt for a few panels just to incorporate scenes that are very clearly just the authors fetishes. The gore and violence, they serve the purpose of raising the stakes and disturbing the audience (while not crossing the line over to being self indulgent and gratuitous), but the obvious fetish scenes do not do any of that. They're selfish serving, indulgent, unnecessary and goss in a way that the narrative doesn't treat them.
You are not wrong at all but, criticizing Made In Abyss makes you very hypocrite to be honest. All the people that has reached to the last chapter of the manga obviously know that, so If you don't like the series you don't have to push yourself to read It, It's the price we pay for a masterpiece and a stunning art style. Did you know what manga that you like does the same that Made In Abyss? Although I love these works, Berserk, Monogatari, and Inio Asano's works, series that you like, have some points in common with Made In Abyss and your comment. Maybe instead of criticizing this manga, you should try to understand the Japanese morality standards and to know what you are reading. That's the minimum requirement when reading manga (Japanese manga) because when you know nothing about what you are talking about, that makes you an ignorant. And then, people like me or others that like this series have to read everyday ignorants like you. Moreover, you should try searching about where It is published Made In Abyss and meet a bit its editorial. Lastly, the author seems enjoying drawing this manga while taking care of his health. I would like to give you an advice: let manga artists draw whatever they like and don't try to impose your morality towards their works, because they draw whatever they want to draw, not what you want. Sounds obvious, right? PS: I am not going to reply if you text me back, I have already wasted my time while replying you.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2020
You are not wrong at all but, criticizing Made In Abyss makes you very hypocrite to be honest. All the people that has reached to the last chapter of the manga obviously know that, so If you don't like the series you don't have to push yourself to read It, It's the price we pay for a masterpiece and a stunning art style. Did you know what manga that you like does the same that Made In Abyss? Although I love these works, Berserk, Monogatari, and Inio Asano's works, series that you like, have some points in common with Made In Abyss and your comment. Maybe instead of criticizing this manga, you should try to understand the Japanese morality standards and to know what you are reading. That's the minimum requirement when reading manga (Japanese manga) because when you know nothing about what you are talking about, that makes you an ignorant. And then, people like me or others that like this series have to read everyday ignorants like you. Moreover, you should try searching about where It is published Made In Abyss and meet a bit its editorial. Lastly, the author seems enjoying drawing this manga while taking care of his health. I would like to give you an advice: let manga artists draw whatever they like and don't try to impose your morality towards their works, because they draw whatever they want to draw, not what you want. Sounds obvious, right? PS: I am not going to reply if you text me back, I have already wasted my time while replying you.
If your understanding of Japanese morality is "it's not a big deal to use children for fetishes in media" then your understanding of Japan in general comes entirely from reading manga that have questionable content in them, and it's very ignorant to say that content like this doesn't run into controversies there. Additionally, manga that I read more than 2 years ago don't reflect my current taste in manga nor my current opinions on the medium, but none of the manga i have ever read have been THIS blatantly pedophelic. Basically all you are saying is "let the author draw his kiddy porn, cause he's having fun. Let people enjoy things". I haven't seen anyone say something this stupid in a long time. And I don't see how me saying "this is gross" on a foreign manga website somehow impedes a mangaka who likely doesn't even speak much English from drawing their weird shit. You're saying all of this in English. Even if japanese morality was somehow THAT different, you're reading manga (which doesn't take place in Japan) as a westerner, discussing it with westerners, and all of them have 'western perspectives'. Of course people are going to find it gross. And if you agree with that, then I dont see the point of a single thing that you said.

What particularly annoys me with excuses like this is the complacency with the state of the medium. You really have to have no respect for manga as a medium for story telling if you view this gross shit as just a 'price to pay' for a masterpiece. I've read many manga that I personally consider to be masterpieces of their respective genres (and even in the same genres as this manga), none of which include anything even remotely as distasteful as the stuff in here. It's also kinda pathetic that people make throw away accounts on here just to defend this kind of content.
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Feb 25, 2023
If your understanding of Japanese morality is "it's not a big deal to use children for fetishes in media" then your understanding of Japan in general comes entirely from reading manga that have questionable content in them, and it's very ignorant to say that content like this doesn't run into controversies there. Additionally, manga that I read more than 2 years ago don't reflect my current taste in manga nor my current opinions on the medium, but none of the manga i have ever read have been THIS blatantly pedophelic. Basically all you are saying is "let the author draw his kiddy porn, cause he's having fun. Let people enjoy things". I haven't seen anyone say something this stupid in a long time. And I don't see how me saying "this is gross" on a foreign manga website somehow impedes a mangaka who likely doesn't even speak much English from drawing their weird shit. You're saying all of this in English. Even if japanese morality was somehow THAT different, you're reading manga (which doesn't take place in Japan) as a westerner, discussing it with westerners, and all of them have 'western perspectives'. Of course people are going to find it gross. And if you agree with that, then I dont see the point of a single thing that you said.

What particularly annoys me with excuses like this is the complacency with the state of the medium. You really have to have no respect for manga as a medium for story telling if you view this gross shit as just a 'price to pay' for a masterpiece. I've read many manga that I personally consider to be masterpieces of their respective genres (and even in the same genres as this manga), none of which include anything even remotely as distasteful as the stuff in here. It's also kinda pathetic that people make throw away accounts on here just to defend this kind of content.
I don't know if you are blind because you understood nothing about my message. If that's the conclusion you have made after reading my message, you are truly a blind person. I am sure you didn't even find where Made In Abyss it's published and what type of manga publishes that editorial.

If you want to keep discussing your ignorant point of view, go on but, I have already told you that I really love Made In Abyss but, I don't defend these things. Imposing your morality towards a totally different culture while reading works from that culture, truly makes you even more ignorant. If you read more about Japan, maybe you would see things different. I am not saying that you would like some things that you wouldn't but, you would understand them, and maybe you wouldn't publish Twitter-like messages. If after reading this you keep defending the same point, you should realize that something is wrong with you. I have nothing to prove because I know that I am more informed than you. Translating a manga to English doesn't make the manga come from an English-speaking country, sounds obvious right?

Nobody forces you to read a manga like Made In Abyss. If you don't want to get out of your comfort zone, go read comics or novels, maybe they fit your morality standards better than another completely different culture. And if you don't want to change your point of view, just don't complain, because you are not putting the necessary effort to understand It. Moreover, you have said that you haven't read anything that controversial than Made In Abyss but, you have read Monogatari (Bakemonogatati), hypocrite.

In conclusion, you exposed your opinion without any context, criticizing something about a manga that is similar about something of another manga that you read in the past, and you haven't criticized (nowadays). Doing It only to have a good image or to generate hate, I don't know which of the two or both. Let me say to you that you are the pathethic one.
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2020
I don't know if you are blind because you understood nothing about my message. If that's the conclusion you have made after reading my message, you are truly a blind person. I am sure you didn't even find where Made In Abyss it's published and what type of manga publishes that editorial.

If you want to keep discussing your ignorant point of view, go on but, I have already told you that I really love Made In Abyss but, I don't defend these things. Imposing your morality towards a totally different culture while reading works from that culture, truly makes you even more ignorant. If you read more about Japan, maybe you would see things different. I am not saying that you would like some things that you wouldn't but, you would understand them, and maybe you wouldn't publish Twitter-like messages. If after reading this you keep defending the same point, you should realize that something is wrong with you. I have nothing to prove because I know that I am more informed than you. Translating a manga to English doesn't make the manga come from an English-speaking country, sounds obvious right?

Nobody forces you to read a manga like Made In Abyss. If you don't want to get out of your comfort zone, go read comics or novels, maybe they fit your morality standards better than another completely different culture. And if you don't want to change your point of view, just don't complain, because you are not putting the necessary effort to understand It. Moreover, you have said that you haven't read anything that controversial than Made In Abyss but, you have read Monogatari (Bakemonogatati), hypocrite.

In conclusion, you exposed your opinion without any context, criticizing something about a manga that is similar about something of another manga that you read in the past, and you haven't criticized (nowadays). Doing It only to have a good image or to generate hate, I don't know which of the two or both. Let me say to you that you are the pathethic one.
Dude. Did you know that the forums of a website exist for people to give their opinions? I don't see how me giving an opinion on a websites forums generates hate or somehow improves my image (anonymously??????). You're getting mad that I said anything bad about the manga that you like. Maybe don't go into the forums if you can't handle negative opinions. And again, you're ignorant for pretending that, as a foreigner, you have a grasp on what the cultural attitudes towards fetishitic drawings of children are in Japan. I don't care how many Google searches you do about Japan you weeb. It doesnt make your understanding of Japan remotely authentic. Ive done my own research, but I don't sit around pretending that I'm some expert on Japanese culture. Im at least able to recognize that, as a foreigner, my understanding of Japanese culture is inauthentic and relies entirely on the accuracy of information on the internet curated entirely in English. But acting like Japan is some fantasy land where no one takes issue with the content of manga or the state of the manga industry is just ignorant. And what is twitter-like about saying the fetishes in this manga are egregious and unnecessary? I think you might be projecting your lack of reading comprehension. I never said I have never read controversial manga. I've read plenty of controversial manga. I just dont consider them to be masterpieces. Also, of the controversial stuff I have read, I've never read more than one chapter of the bakemonogatari manga lmao. Read the messages in which I talked about it. I said nothing good or bad of it, just that it's a manga drawn by the same artist as another, and I think I praised the artsytle like 3 years ago. That's about it. I read like one chapter, but that's because I had watched watched anime. Which really says nothing about my current taste, since I haven't watched watched anime in over 5 years (I prefer reading source material over watching an adaptation). You keep pretending that you know anything about what I read and my opinions on them, but you don't. That's truly pathetic. I also think that it's pathetic that you are defending these things as being cultural differences while pretending that you're not, and you got so mad that you replied again. It also seems like you're upset that I'm not criticizing other manga that I don't like anymore for the same thing, but guess what? I have these same criticisms of fetishistic content involving children regardless of the manga. I didn't say anything about them because it wasn't as egregious as this. Nothing I actively read these days has anything like that in it, which is why i think it's a very valid criticism to say that it only hurts manga as a medium to have this stuff in it. You are so hung up on trying to call me a hypocrite but you don't know what my opinions are on any of the manga that i have read. You're arguing with phantoms.

Additionally, did you know that translations are not perfect? And that the meanings of words can greatly change the meanings behind the what characters are saying? And that the English approximations for things aren't perfect and lose a lot of the beautiful complexity of some sentences? You are acting like reading manga translated into English gives you an authentic experience of what the manga originally was, but it's not. This is not an authentic cultural experience. It's the closest English approximation of what it meant. And again, I've read plenty of manga that don't have literal pedophilia as a driving force for its making. It's not just nudity. It's children being put in situations that are clearly fetish content. There's no cultural defense for the pant pissing, bed shitting, and asshole sniffing in this manga. It's very obviously the author's fetishes. If it was just the nudity, I wouldn't say anything, just quietly drop this manga. In a country with public bath houses, its probably not a deal (it's just too excessively used here for me), but that's not at all what I'm complaining about here. It's the clear fetishes that call into question the intention behind a lot of other content in this manga.

Also, what does Takeshobo being the publister have to do with criticisms regarding the content of the manga? They're a huge magazine publishing company with a variety of manga. So what? Or do you mean Seven Seas Entertaiment, the English publisher who only picked it up after the anime was announced? If this is about the size of the company that picked up this work, its probably because of the fact that the author was already an industry professional working on anime and games, and the quality of the storytelling.
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Feb 25, 2023
Dude. Did you know that the forums of a website exist for people to give their opinions? I don't see how me giving an opinion on a websites forums generates hate or somehow improves my image (anonymously??????). You're getting mad that I said anything bad about the manga that you like. Maybe don't go into the forums if you can't handle negative opinions. And again, you're ignorant for pretending that, as a foreigner, you have a grasp on what the cultural attitudes towards fetishitic drawings of children are in Japan. I don't care how many Google searches you do about Japan you weeb. It doesnt make your understanding of Japan remotely authentic. Ive done my own research, but I don't sit around pretending that I'm some expert on Japanese culture. Im at least able to recognize that, as a foreigner, my understanding of Japanese culture is inauthentic and relies entirely on the accuracy of information on the internet curated entirely in English. But acting like Japan is some fantasy land where no one takes issue with the content of manga or the state of the manga industry is just ignorant. And what is twitter-like about saying the fetishes in this manga are egregious and unnecessary? I think you might be projecting your lack of reading comprehension. I never said I have never read controversial manga. I've read plenty of controversial manga. I just dont consider them to be masterpieces. Also, of the controversial stuff I have read, I've never read more than one chapter of the bakemonogatari manga lmao. Read the messages in which I talked about it. I said nothing good or bad of it, just that it's a manga drawn by the same artist as another, and I think I praised the artsytle like 3 years ago. That's about it. I read like one chapter, but that's because I had watched watched anime. Which really says nothing about my current taste, since I haven't watched watched anime in over 5 years (I prefer reading source material over watching an adaptation). You keep pretending that you know anything about what I read and my opinions on them, but you don't. That's truly pathetic. I also think that it's pathetic that you are defending these things as being cultural differences while pretending that you're not, and you got so mad that you replied again. It also seems like you're upset that I'm not criticizing other manga that I don't like anymore for the same thing, but guess what? I have these same criticisms of fetishistic content involving children regardless of the manga. I didn't say anything about them because it wasn't as egregious as this. Nothing I actively read these days has anything like that in it, which is why i think it's a very valid criticism to say that it only hurts manga as a medium to have this stuff in it. You are so hung up on trying to call me a hypocrite but you don't know what my opinions are on any of the manga that i have read. You're arguing with phantoms.

Additionally, did you know that translations are not perfect? And that the meanings of words can greatly change the meanings behind the what characters are saying? And that the English approximations for things aren't perfect and lose a lot of the beautiful complexity of some sentences? You are acting like reading manga translated into English gives you an authentic experience of what the manga originally was, but it's not. This is not an authentic cultural experience. It's the closest English approximation of what it meant. And again, I've read plenty of manga that don't have literal pedophilia as a driving force for its making. It's not just nudity. It's children being put in situations that are clearly fetish content. There's no cultural defense for the pant pissing, bed shitting, and asshole sniffing in this manga. It's very obviously the author's fetishes. If it was just the nudity, I wouldn't say anything, just quietly drop this manga. In a country with public bath houses, its probably not a deal (it's just too excessively used here for me), but that's not at all what I'm complaining about here. It's the clear fetishes that call into question the intention behind a lot of other content in this manga.

Also, what does Takeshobo being the publister have to do with criticisms regarding the content of the manga? They're a huge magazine publishing company with a variety of manga. So what? Or do you mean Seven Seas Entertaiment, the English publisher who only picked it up after the anime was announced? If this is about the size of the company that picked up this work, its probably because of the fact that the author was already an industry professional working on anime and games, and the quality of the storytelling.
I am not even going to read you, you wasted my time so much, if you want to give an opinion being an ignorant, go on. I hope you read my comments in a few years and realize how wrong you were. Edit: Talking again without knowing, sorry I read the last part (sorry to myself). Edit2: I have read the penultimate paragraph, go find psychological help, seriously, you need help, omfg what are you even saying? Your comments were funny to me but, what you are saying is really serious, you seem really fcked up if you think like that...
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2020
I am not even going to read you, you wasted my time so much, if you want to give an opinion being an ignorant, go on. I hope you read my comments in a few years and realize how wrong you were. Edit: Talking again without knowing, sorry I read the last part (sorry to myself). Edit2: I have read the penultimate paragraph, go find psychological help, seriously, you need help, omfg what are you even saying? Your comments were funny to me but, what you are saying is really serious, you seem really fcked up if you think like that...
So basically, you have nothing of value to say in response to any arguments against your own viewpoint. Good to know. You just repeat the same things without actually responding to anything I say. It's like talking to a brick wall. Why even respond at all if you know that you don't actually want to hear what someone is saying? It's kinda sad how hard headed you are and how you lack the ability to see nuance in the things people say. Plus, you literally sat down and went though my messages to find manga that I read years ago, and went through the effort to make a fresh account to argue with someone who you disagree with. If that's not pathetic, I don't know what is.
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