He does not know how to make an engine, looking at the picture, it looks like pipes on a block, I have a basic understanding which most people should know, but engines require combustion, gas in then the piston compresses the gas so it blows, then the piston either knocks down or goes down by itself then pushes the gas out through a focused tube where multiple pistons each hit at different timings to keep a flow and then pushes the gas somewhere, again, a very basic understanding. So why no work
@Gauvain .It's really just steel and hinges so experiments without risks and no worries of big explosions killing people can lead to him developing a proper engine. I just dunno, Maintenance is a thing but looking at current cars, or even a century ago he'll be all good. I'm no mechanic but this is from what I know.
Btw for water supply, they have multiple options, boiling salt water, but it would leave sludge or something so cleaning it is the only problem but using some magic they probably have a way, especially for boats, trains and even cars that can travel probably a distance of 1/2 km or so and then only reach to your neighbours house but experimentation without limits is like simulations.
again to not have people hate on me for pretending to be smart and if I don't include this I'll die of anxiety.
I dunno shit about anything