The thought of it must have been an accident is a mistake to make. It is better to assume that the person fried the gem and circuit due to magic power because it is a safer assumption.
Enter this oh so annoying "noble" piece of trash, and this arc's damsel in distress.
@Azpark : unless the energy requirement to break it was so far above human norms it reaches the level of myth. Jin is extremely powerful as a side effect of the method of summoning.
Just make a golem with her face and figure, then sell to the noble. They ‘never fatigue’ after all. Probably part of the reason Krillin married a bioroid.
and not the evidence of his crimes (I think on the level of treason) he hid in the boat
(this world does/did have "automatically correct" pleasure models pre-colapse)
@Fuko : War may have been involved, but not solar flares
the majority of the mage population died when the mana suddenly depleted from the atmosphere, in the middle of a war with demons (they need it to live, humans not so much). Possibly a side effect of the war, possibly the result of a super weapon.