Magic Fairy

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
"fighting heaven and earth and collecting Warcraft"
sorry, Activision already did that. None left for the rest of you.
May 2, 2019
Not terrible. Translation not bad but definitely not very good. Redrawing is ok the scenes? I think is what its called is different from what I'm used to. Story is the same as all the others but addictions are addictions. Can't help that.
Jun 29, 2020
This old master has finally reached his limit. This Realm of copy cat wuxia comics has made me tired of this mortal realm once and for all.
For every nugget of gold, this old master will find thousands of pieces of shit lying around every gem.
I've tried using my divine sight to look past all this chaos and see the truth behind it all, but it seems the truth that I've found was, almost all cultivation comics are shit.
Child, if you are trying to get into this comic to burn some time, don't this comic is shit and a waste of time.
You will only strain your eyes trying to look past all the chaos every chapter trying to find out what the fuck is happening and the fuck does this says.

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