I just really don't like the old fashioned "HENTAI! BAKA!" followed by physical assault style humor of older anime/manga. Let alone assaulting someone for the crime of being astonished by an unexpected event for a second too long. In fact, I'm not much a fan of physical slapstick in general. Or at the very least physical slapstick which makes unprovoked assault into a punchline.
This was super common back in the day but thankfully most comedic manga has moved on from it. I also would refute any claim that Minami is a pervert. In fact if someone tried to make the case he was one because of his explorations of his alternate body or gender play, I would in fact call them out as being borderline transphobic.
Knowing Minami that last "what a waste" line was probably less lewd and more because he was eager to get involved in cute dress-up parties or something with the new Opon. He's an idiot and he sometimes has trouble reading the mood but he isn't the type to take advantage. Either way, not happy seeing my favorite genderfluid son being treated this way.
You could even have a "Minami, avert your eyes you idiot! > < " line and him turning away blushing or being embarrassed about being called out. That joke would've been cuter to me than winding the clock back to the 90's when simply existing and identifying male in a manga meant you were free game for physical assault whenever a punchline was needed.
Anyways, I feel like I made my point. You don't have to agree with it, but I'm valid and so is my opinion/feelings on this issue.