@GingaBishoujo I agree, the pacing seemed really off. I suppose it's possible they used a type of teleportation magic, as Leonard and Sid have both used two difference types, so it's not far fetched to assume that they teleported to the Western District so as not to lose the magic trail. Despite it happening recently Jill had actually mentioned that the trail was faint and hard to follow, so if they spent even a few hours to a day in a carriage getting there then it's likely that all traces of the magic would have been gone. It still would have been great if they better explained how they went from Lily bringing Leonard's lunch to him(so around noon), talking for a while(maybe 45 min to an hour), to going to the Western district to look around(could have taken anywhere from an hour to four hours before they caught Cardinal), and then back in time for a late afternoon tea party. Assuming they did indeed use some form of teleportation magic, then it was likely around 5 or 6 at the latest when Lily finally went for tea. It's warm enough where people don't need to bundle up, so if it's late spring or early summer, then sundown wouldn't be till about 7:30 or 8:00 pm, thus explaining why it's still light out even if it actually was that late in the day.
Simply put: magic happened, and quite literally at that.