7. On [Mainsite] Interface Language menu displays the language names in their original language but this is not the case for Portuguese, Should be Português (Br)? or should it? Some people were saying as part of the language names being in their original language, Capitalisation rules of the languages should be followed as well i.e. the language's first letter should be small (Mainly),
- Español → español
- Français → français
- Portuguese (Br) → Português (Br) → português (BR)
This might need to still be discussed...
Original request and discussion on the MangaDex discord server:
8. On [Mainsite] Titles/My Title Drafts/Create Title Draft, The Title ? tooltip doesn't have a full stop.
9. On [Mainsite] when logging in, If the login page expires, This is shown:
"Page has expired
To restart the login process Click here .
To continue the login process Click here ."
It should be changed to
"Page has expired
To restart the login process, click here.
To continue the login process, cick here." (Added commas, Made "C" in Click small and removed the space before the full stop)