i think I'm really starting to see the way the two stories differentiate between themselves without loosing the core that makes these stories/universes unique and fun.
The main story is sorta all about greed and how a society can still function even when everbody is greedy. It's about being greedy and kind. Iruma learns to grow up more self assured and greedy, without loosing his inherent kindness. Slowly, one demon at a time, he grows into a kind ruler.
Here it's about the inherent moral grayness of Iruma being, still, an inherently kind boy and the leader of an evil mafia organisation.
This is important because Babels is in fact evil.
They kill, torture, sell drug and what else the Mafia does.
And, more importantly, they control.
This entire chapter is the perfect analogy for this.
Buy using his vast resources, made from evil deeds, Iruma uses a park that has long been abandoned to bring genuine smile to both the circus workers and the people that visit
The only person who rejects this is the circus master who only wants to be evil, or rather rich.
If i had to guess, I would say the narrative might go in the direction to say that love and justice can be everywhere, as long as people have the capabilites to care about them.
Hunger, being used as the main motive for both greed and the actual act of being hungry (being poor and desperate) that drives people to do unspeakable things.
The circus director is Hungry in the way that he's greedy, without having love or at least empathy.
Iruma being Hungry in the way that he's also greedy, for people to love and cherish (and actual food lmao)
Iruma's first introduction was literally him feeding people, even if they aren't truly kind.
I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this, but the way both stories frame greed and hunger is certainly interesting!!