I know that Eiko is mostly only around during the extra/Tsukima bits since the beginning, but the dragon girl and the cyclops girl from the anime looked like they were anime only.
Then during the Sabbath chapter that Lied set up, that was when the cyclops girl first appeared (I believe), so that was a surprise. So I was curious if the dragon girl made her way in before this extra or not.
p2. congrats to side CP
p6. I wonder if the author is just crushing on him, like, villains are the greatest after the heroes, and their popularity can overcome them quite as easily
@7777ale7777 Pretty sure he can shoot multiple times once he summons his bow, since it feeds on mana. I'd say that he has 2 chances to summon his weapon, and he can shoot as many times as he wants after summoning as long as his mana holds up