Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 18 Ch. 156 - Lilith's Red Carpet

Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
If you've never lived through years of piano lessons, you don't know how bad it gets...
Endless reprimands for every wrong note, every microsecond of hesitation, not sitting up straight enough, not holding your fingers at perfect right-angles over the keys. Being yelled at to put more feeling into it, as if that is even quantifiable or makes any fucking sense. Waking up before dawn every morning regardless of season to rattle out scales and arpeggios then play through the same few songs over and over again for hours in the cold... Constantly being mocked and chided by the teacher who takes pleasure in reminding you that you'll never amount to anything and how getting 3rd place in competitions is pathetic...

And to think people asked me why I eventually quit...
The honest answer is probably because the teacher was a psychobitch.

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