I feel like the translation is getting worse.
It's not so bad that I can't tolerate it, and I do thank the people working on it for their efforts, but I feel like it wouldn't hurt to have a native English speaker give it a quick glance through to make sure the lines make sense.
Page 4: "Too big for an conspicuousness."
What? I think you're trying to say "I'm too big to be inconspicuous" but it would flow a lot better if it was something like "I'm standing out too much"
Page 6: "I don't know what he's like."
I think that should be "I wonder what they're like."
Page 8: a more minor point, but I'm pretty sure that should say "URGENT" instead of "URGENCY"
Also page 8: "Please stick around here a while longer before erasing all doubts" Should be something like "until all doubts are erased"
That's just a few that stuck out the most, but there's grammatical errors on almost every page these days.