
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
Heed my warning and stay away from this piece of shit Manga. Author puts main character "king" on first chapter and he gets NTR like 5 times, the bitch girl has the best guy she could hope for right in front of her and she goes and dates assholes that make out with other girls lmao I give it a couple more chapters until the dumb bitch ends up with the main male MC "king" but I think author retardnesss going to make 6th boyfriend a girl llooool
Jan 18, 2018
Oh I remember this but as far as I read the "king"(Tenyuu) doesn't get "NTRd", he doesn't even show any romantic feelings towards Mairu.
Make no mistake Mairu is the only MC and she ends up being indecisive as fuck when comes to being in love but I don't know how it ends, I'll wait till it ends to pass any judgement and to start reading again because I also don't remember exactly where I stopped reading...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Why have a male mc if you're not going to treat him as such? Disappointing.
Nov 4, 2019
I just want to say that the the ML did not get ntr'ed (some people really need a dictionary)
because their relationship is strictly platonic. Until the last volume.

Anyway, this manga is frustrating because the MC makes a lot of stupid decisions but it's understandable as she's really clueless when it comes to love. I wouldn't recommend it but hey, you might learn a few things like what to do / not do when a similar situation occurs in your life.
E.g. Don't cut ties with your awesome best friend just because your insecure boyfriend tells you to...
Oct 10, 2019
Hey it's really good for a shoujo. The MC is really flawed relatable because her thought process is always well depicted. Unlile ma'y other shoujo, you don't have to cringe your way through certain scenes, the characters act realistically and the drama does not rely on cheap misunderstandings. Hopefully someone can finish the translation.

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