@havelmom I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that/don’t know what hook up means. I’m going to pretend she never even kissed or held hands with this slimey individual that is the culmination of all the scum in humanity and is an asshole among assholes.
wow, she's a fucking doormat, absolutely zero presence.
There's a limit on how much of a idiot can you be, stammering all the time and getting dragged, fucking open your mouth and fucking speak
Christ why are people blaming the victim, she’s a goddamn sweetheart. If there should be hate, it needs to be directed to the asshole “boyfriend”. Ugh, people.
Clearly this dude is dangerous.
Really weak move by guy MC to let her go with the psycho, I get she needs to learn to stand up for herself but there's other priorities when a future domestic abuse convict is involve
@diego Yeah. He should totally be an alpha male and beat up the girl's boyfriend.
Dude, he's an abuser and she's a witch. She's with him cause she wants. She wants cause she has some mental damage, but that's besides the point. There's nothing he could do.
@Tatherwood I agree. I feel like it's a way to show that he is not like the abusive boyfriend because he's making her choose whether or not she wants to be in this type of relationship.. plus he's already told her a few times that she need to stop allowing people to push her over.