Some comments here who tell her to get out of the relationship or calling her an idiot, really don't understand how toxic relationships and victims within it work. Especially if you already have low self-esteem (which she clearly has) and you're suffering from mental and emotional abuse. It's even worse here because he's dragging his co-workers so it's collective and she doesn't seem to have any external support (other than her iguana) which adds to the fact that she's very much trapped and makes it hard to stand up for herself. And to add onto it more, he has a "nice and caring" side to lure her in even more to give her hope that he maybe isn't that bad so he can continue his charade of manipulating her. Even in his own words, "she's easy to use" He literally is the worst kind of scumbag you can ever come across since it's so hard to get out even if you're out.
The fact that she's able to take a step forward and learn how to say no, refusing to answer is an amazing task and I'm proud of her that she's able to move forward, no matter how small it is. (We also have to thank our precious winguana and male MC to give her the push she needs)