Aaaaah~ To think the day would come where I would say something like this: Takuya Mitsuda is no longer an author who enjoys inflicting pain on his own characters. Before he was so sadistic that there were even theories like, “Takuya Mitsuda is Egashira”. Do you know how extreme you have to be to get compared to Egashira? These truly are dark times…
MAJOR was a work that was permeated with depictions of fighting, bullying, rough play, DV, and overall violence. It was an essential part of what made it the work it is. Maybe that kind of shonen manga just doesn't exist anymore. Are authors no longer allowed to depict these kinds of things in shonen magazines? I know at least in Sunday they're not. Is it like the opposite of American puritan complex, where violent depictions are okay (up to a point), but sexual depictions are not? Well, there’s also things like the depiction of female nipples and shota pee-pee in shonen manga, that also used to be allowed, it’s a complicated subject…
“Maybe that was just the world of MAJOR, and Mitsuda isn’t necessarily sadistic in nature as an artist". Wrong. After MAJOR, Mitsuda drew a boxing manga. True, Mitsuda likes (like, really really likes) boxing manga as a genre, but when you think of it, boxing manga is just ryona manga. And I thoroughly enjoyed all the loli Moka-chan ryona in BUYUDEN. So why the sudden shift, that he can't even bear to hit Daigo with the backswing now? And more importantly, what are you going to do about the seeds of sadism that you’ve helped plant in other people’s hearts, Mitsuda? Take responsibility, other people's human nature isn't as easily changed as yours.
Oh yeah, I guess it's the first chapter of the year. Spending an entire chapter on basically one at-bat after back-to-back three-week breaks...aren't you relaxed, old man. I don’t have anything in particular to say about it other than it’s shit. I thought the thing with Daigo sitting at the front of the catcher's box was kind of interesting at first cause it meant he had a hole in his game that the other team could exploit and he wasn't a perfect Mary Sue, but after all it's too small and ridiculous a thing for that. The whole thing with the backswings is just silly. It's not against the rules to have a large backswing, ask Marcell Ozuna! (lol) And I thought we were over with the intentional walks bullshit after the Fujimihara game, but Jesus Christ, and Daigo saying that thing about running away out of all things. KYS FAGGOT