Make chapter list expandable instead of pages

Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
It's a minor feature, but it's another one that I think you could take a leaf from Batoto to optimise your user interface.

I understand that for long series, having all chapters listed in the series front page results in a cluttered page for readers that aren't interested in scrolling down to chapter 1. However, it is of interest for readers who want to, say, binge on a long series they didn't know. And to readers who may want to revisit a specific arc. Or to uploaders who want to check a high-quality chapter they've just added to a series that has speedscans far ahead.

I think chapter 1 and the latest chapter should be visible in the front page by default. So it would be great if all were in one page, with the first 25 and last 25 chapters or so visible, and an expandable middle for those who want the full list. Right now, if one wants to browse the chapter list, they have to enter a chapter and use the drop-down box of chapters to do it.

You could even one-up Batoto and make the list not only expandable, but re-collapsible by adding a button to do that. To recollapse the list you had to reload the page in Batoto.

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